6 Beach day

50 2 0

next day Caroline pov

Me and Blake walked to tymaras house and we meet her and Madi there. We walk to the bus stop and catch the bus to the Mount.

Me and Blake decide to do our own thing and walk around the shops and we will meet the girls back at Subway at 12:30.

I found a surf store that sell penny boards so i tell Blake and we look at them. He falls in love with all of them because they're so different to the designs in America.

While he is making his decision I walk around the shop and try some clothes on. I end up buying a RPM shirt (clothing from a New Zealand surf brand), long sleeve rash shirt and some cute socks.

I pay for my things and walk outside. i see him standing there was two penny boards. I assumed that he couldn't make up his mind so we bought 2 but instead he handed me one and said 'no need to thank me.'

I was in shock. I asked him why he did it and he said 'because why should I be your boyfriend when I can't splurge on you once in awhile?' 'Because maybe I can't splurge back.'

'Caroline you've given me so much already you don't know before I came on tour things were actually really hard for me. My best friend passed away just before I left and that was really hard for me to process but traveling with Magcon and meeting my friends has put me back up on two feet. Meeting you, hanging out with you and making you happy is all i could have wished for and I wouldn't do it to anyone else so please just accept what I do and make me happy because I love seeing you happy. I'm glad I found you Caroline.'

I was completely speechless. I couldn't believe Blake had been through all of this. He didn't deserve one piece of it. I felt so bad for him so I hugged him. 'I'm sorry you went through all of this. I will never leave your side and you didn't deserve to go through this.'

Blake's pov

'You know this isn't exactly how I thought today would go. I'm sorry.' 'It's fine Blake.'
'I'm glad I told you because it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Thanks listening Caroline.'

'Anytime.' Caroline starts walking to Subway but I'm skating on my new board because Caroline doesn't know how to ride hers yet so after lunch we will go down along The Mount Main Beach Road and I will teach her how to ride it there.

We meet Caroline's friends at Subway and grab a quick bite to eat. Her friends had to leave so Caroline and I decide to go to the beach so I can teach her how to ride her new penny board.

1 hour later (still Blake's pov)

Caroline can now ride a penny board almost as good as me she has really good balance and she look so cute riding it.

I sneakily snapped a few pictures of her writing it and I plan on posting one on my Instagram announcing I am with her because none of my supporters know yet.

Last time I posted a picture of us she got a lot of hate but this time I'll make sure she doesn't get too much hate.

It's just after 3 and Caroline's parents are going to come pick us up and take us out for fish and chips on the beach for dinner. We both decide to walk around town and sit on the beach until her parents come.

Once we sit on the beach I tell her I'm going to announce a relationship on social media.

She doesn't want to because she knows she's going to get hate. I tell her it will be fine and that things will be better than they were before.

Caroline's pov 4:30.

The post has been a social media for half an hour and it has been getting a lot of hate. People telling me to go kill myself and a trying to make me break up with him and I'm not happy about it. Right now I'm just cuddling with Blake on the beach peacefully.

Suddenly i feel a pair of hands wrapped around my stomach while I'm sitting down. This person smells different feels different and there hands look different I turn around and almost scream because it's Harvey!

I stand up and give him a big long hug. I can't believe he is here.

The first thing he says to me is 'don't worry about the haters look how happy you are now don't let them bring you down promise?'

'Promise' I say.'how do you always know how to make me feel better? what am I going to do when you leave?' 'We will face time everyday and I will text you every minute.' 'Haha ok.'

Blake's pov

Caroline and Harvey seem very close in I really don't want to lose her because she means so much to me.

Maybe I'll ask her tonight when we get back to her place on how she classifies her and Harvey's relationship. And In the meantime I will try not worry about it and just enjoy tonight.

Later that night 8 o'clock.

We arrive at Caroline's house and I tell her to meet me downstairs in 5 minutes. I get changed into my Magcon hoodie and set up the TV down there on to Netflix.

As I'm doing that Caroline comes down wearing cute reindeer onesie. 'Someone obviously wants Christmas to come soon.' 'Considering that Christmas was only 2 weeks ago, yes.'

I tell her to come over to my bed and pick a movie to watch. She chooses The Notebook and we start watching it. At the end of the movie she's crying because it's so sad. I hold her tight and cuddle with her for a few minutes

'I have a question for you Caroline.'

'What is it'?

'I need to ask you something I don't want to ruin our relationship and you and you and Harvey's relationship but I'm just wondering if you really do love me.'

'Of course I..... 'I cut her off by saying 'it's just that you seem awfully close with Harvey and I don't want you to leave me because I love you so much.'

'Blake. I love you with all my heart and I never want to leave you. He is just my best friend and although we seem close I won't let him interfere with our relationship. I love you so much. I will never dream of being with someone else.'

'I love you too Caroline. now go and get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow.'

'Can I stay down here and sleep with you?' 'Of course will your parents mind though?'

'Nah they love you too much to say no to you.' I laugh and tell her to come to the other side of my bed.

Caroline's pov

I jump into the space on the other side of the bed and pull the covers over me. Blake lays down beside me and wraps his arms around me. I fall asleep straight away but I do hear Blake whisper something in my ear but I don't know what he said.

Oh well.


Word count: 1242 (oml)

I get so into writing, sometimes I go overboard with the word count haha

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I'll try update tomorrow ♡ily

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