Chapter 2 New Directions

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So if you haven't read the last chapter here's a few things you should know. Ryder is all sad and lonely now that Marley chose Jake and the New Directions lost Nationals and no longer have the choir room. He also isn't exactly thrilled that he has to sit next to a new kid when he's in a bit of a rut in his life. Liam who is Blaine's younger brother got dropped off at school and was a little scathed that his dad didn't wish him good luck. And that's what you missed on Glee!!
From now on it'll be in third person.


Ryder walked into the auditorium, that new kid hadn't shown up for study hall last lesson so just another point in his depressed column. The glee club had been forced to use the auditorium since they had lost the choir room. Wade and Kitty were sat texting on the stage.
"Somethings never change, Ryder Lynn with a sad smile" Kitty laughed before running over and hugging him. Ryder hugged her back.
"And Kitty Wilde on her phone isn't the status quo?" He enquired. Marley and Jake walked on from the side of the stage, it really stung Ryder to see them together. Mr Shue and Rachel followed them.
"So guys we only have a couple of minutes and we need to set up a time when we can hold auditions can be held" Mr Shue announced, he had been in the cut to the point mood since the beginning of the semester.
"How about on Thursday lunchtime. Cheerios isn't on, neither's football?" Marley suggested. Ryder was in physical pain at the sound of her voice.
"Great idea Marls. I'll make up some posters later" Rachel says delightfully. She was holding up well since we were having our own little memorial for Finn tonight.


Liam met Blaine by the reception desk. It had taken him long enough to find it.
"I thought I had lost you" Blaine fake sobbed, he was trying to do one of Sam's impressions, which Liam had heard all summer.
"No, I put up with your boyfriend doing them impressions all summer. I can't handle anymore of them" Liam sighed. Blaine put his arm over Liam's shoulder.
"So...what's your first class?" Blaine enquired.
"Well it should have been study hall but I missed it" Liam replied after a quick scan of his timetable.
"Missing classes already?" Blaine moaned. Liam was the popular sibling; skipped classes, drank too much at parties and played sports. Blaine was the creative one; dance, glee club. April, Liam's sister was the intelligent one and Cooper was the famous, over achiever.
"I got lost okay?" Liam shrieked. Blaine laughed crudely.
"Aka you want to piss dad off" Blaine laughed. Liam raised an eyebrow.
"How'd you know?" Liam asked. Blaine rolled his eyes.
"I know you too well Cappy" Blaine says. Liam had earned the nickname 'Cappy' by never being able to uncap anything.
"Don't call me 'Cappy' it's hard to open some caps" Liam moaned.
"C'mon I'll show you around" Blaine says while peering at Liam's timetable.
"You get the whole speech again this morning?" Blaine asked, his eyebrow raised ever so slightly.
"It's not as fun without the rest of you there" Liam laughed quietly.
"Think how you'll feel tomorrow when you're the only one living in the house" Blaine says, Liam reaches over and punches him.
"Thanks for reminding me"
"According to your timetable you have music next" Blaine says.
"Just tell me that this teacher isn't a pedophile and we'll be fine" Liam says. Blaine didn't answer that question, which raised some more questions about the music teacher.
"There's a new music teacher actually, Finn was filling that spot last year..." Blaine say, his eyes get misty. Liam pulled him in for a hug.
"Don' know you get too upset when you talk about him" Liam says while patting his brothers back.
"I know I'll show you the auditorium instead" Blaine say as he pulled away from Liam. His face had slight pink puffy streaks tracing from his eyes to the bottom of his cheeks.
"I'm not singing though. You're the singer in the family" Liam says.
"You can sing" Blaine says in a laugh.
"No I really can't" Liam groaned as his brother pulled him by the arm down the hallway.


Blaine burst into the auditorium expecting it to be empty, Liam not far behind him. There were people on stage that Liam didn't recognise. Well he guessed he wouldn't since it's a new school. Actually he recognised Unique as the MVP at the 2012 nationals and he recognised Rachel and Mr Shue of course.
"BLAINE!!!" Rachel screamed and ran up to him and tackled him into a hug.
"Hey Rach" Blaine laughed, putting his arms around her also. She then turned to Liam and gave him a hug. Not as hard or as vicious as Blaine's but still affectionate.
"God you've grown Cappy" Rachel laughed, Liam was twelve when he was taller than Rachel is now. Liam's eyes narrowed into a glare at Blaine.
"Sorry the name's just too funny" Blaine chuckled.
"You have to audition on Thursday" Rachel squeaked.
"You already know the glee club as well so you'll be a great asset".
"Sorry, my dad has me football centric all year" Liam sighed, he didn't really want to audition anyway since he couldn't sing.
"No..." Rachel sighed.
"You're coming tonight though right?"
"I wouldn't miss it" Liam explained before giving Rachel another hug.
"Well let's introduce you to everyone at least" Blaine says breaking the emotional over pour emitting from Rachel at that point in time. Blaine pushed Liam up to the very front of the auditorium so he was right in front of the stage.
"Hey guys" Blaine shouted. All five people on the stage turned around.
"Who's the hotty?" The blonde haired one in the cheerleading uniform and Unique asked in unison before turning to glare at each other.
"This is my younger brother Liam, he's new. So I would appreciate if you could help show him around when I leave tomorrow?" Blaine asks. All five nod.
"Anyway Liam, the girl in the flat cap is Marley Rose..." Blaine says. The girl in the flat cap, with brown hair and a summer dress on waves back.
"...The dude with his arms around her waist is Jake Puckerman, Puck's younger brother" Blaine says. He could see the resemblance. Jake waved back.
"You already know Wade from nationals two years ago..." Blaine says. Unique waved quickly at me.
"The blonde in the Cheerios uniform is our own head bitch Ms Kitty Wilde..." Blaine says. Kitty does a little curtsy before a wink.
"And finally the dirty blonde hair grumpis over there is Ryder Lynn" Blaine finished. Liam could see why Blaine called him the Grumpis, he had a noticeable frown on his face. Liam laughed a little.
"Chuck me" Ryder says with confidence. Liam laughs a little and everyone looks at him.
"It's a Chuck reference" Liam explains. Ryder looked shocked that someone understood that reference. The bell rang from the auditorium door.
"Well I have music now so..." Liam muttered to Blaine.
"Yeah sure it's actually just outside the auditorium" Blaine says. Well that was a fortunate coincidence.


Blaine had decided to make a coffee run at the Lima bean but Liam knew that the house would be empty at this time of day and Sam would be free as well. Liam didn't hate Sam, just the though of him and his brother doing stuff sent chills down his spine. So Liam stood awkwardly at the front of the classroom. He couldn't spot any familiar faces.
"You must be Liam Anderson?" a blonde haired girl asked from next to him.
"Yeah..." Liam replied, how did this girl know his name.
"I'm Ms Tropic your new music teacher, I guess it's both of our first days" she says. Liam's jaw drops. She didn't look older than seventeen. (A/N KATHERINE TROPIC WILL BE PLAYED BY KE$HA BECAUSE I'M LOVING HER NEW SONG TIMBUR AT THE MOMENT).
"Why don't you take a seat next to Adam at the back?" Ms Tropic suggested. Liam looked to the back of the room. There was a boy in a varsity jacket which he spotted easily. His brown hair was gelled so it curled at the front, which was dyed blond.
(A/N ADAM IS GOING TO BE PLAYED BY LOGAN LERMAN AND HIM AND LIAM ARE GOING TO BE BEST FRIENDS). Liam walked over to Adam and sat next to him. Adam sat up quickly, his eyes were a little red. Liam guess he had been asleep.
"Hi I'm Liam, Ms Tropic told me to sit next to you" Liam says. Adam shakes his head slightly, trying to completely wake up.
"Hey I'm Adam Barton, I guess that means were music buddies now then" Adam laughed, he put his fist up. Liam complied and bumped fists with him.
"So do you play an instument?" Liam asked while emptying his bag out to find his phone. Adam laughed.
"It's kind of embarrassing but I sing" Adam laughed. Liam looked up a little shocked. Adam didn't look like the kind of person who would sing.
"It's not embarrassing all my siblings sing" Liam laughed. Adam had a huge look of relief spread across his face.
"I am so relieved you said that, everyone else I say that to just laughs me off" Adam says. Liam turned on his phone and sent a quick text to Blaine to ask what they were doing for lunch. Adam attempted to play the keyboard.
"You play?" Liam enquired, he screwed his face up when Adam strung out of tune notes together.
"Not really, I'm working on a song that uses the keyboard though" Adam laughs, while waving the sheet music he's using around. I reach over and grabbed the sheet music.
"I know this tune. It's traditionally a whole band song but I can handle this tune" Liam says. He set up the sheet music and started playing. Adam smiled.

Robert's got a quick hand.
He'll look around the room, he won't tell you his plan.
He's got a rolled cigarette hanging out his mouth, he's a cowboy kid.

Yeah, he found a six shooter gun in his dad's closet hidden with a box of fun things.
And I don't even know what but he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet" It took Liam a few minutes to notice that everyone was watching in awe.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet.

Dad - he works a long day.
He'll be coming home late, he's coming home late.
And he's bringing me a dark surprise.

'Cause dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice.
I've waited for a long time.
Yeah, the sleight of my hand is now a quick-pull trigger.
I reason with my cigarette
And say, "Your hair's on fire, you must have lost your wits, yeah."

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet.

Ru-ru-run, run, run, run
Ru-ru-run, run, run, run
Ru-ru-run, run, run, run
Ru-ru-run, run, run, run

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run faster than my bullet." The classroom applauded when they finished. Adam smile at Liam.
"You are awesome dude. I can see us being good friends" Adam laughed.
"We could be like Spongebob and Patrick" he continued.
"Peter and Neil from White Collar" Liam added.
"Yep I can definitely see us being good friends" Adam finished.



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