Dead Men Tell No Lies

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I was fuming as I marched into the Council room after depositing my dress at my dorm room. Lucifer was lowly speaking with Decim as I flounced in with a deadly air, "Decim!" I thundered, Lucifer grimaced and smirked to make a retort when he saw my wrath, he swiftly re-evaluated how intelligent that would be. Even the grim reaper seemed wary of my rage, "What in the four realms are you and Marte playing at?!" My lips peeled back in a snarl, Decim cleared his throat and spoke confidently, "I'm unsure of what you talk about—"
"Oh, please do tell me more about your lack of knowledge on this matter," I deadpanned, "Guntan told me everything and you better live in hope that I don't put bullets in you by the end of this." Gutsy, and stupid, would be the accurate way to describe how I talked to Death himself. But there was something I could hold over Death. He knew all too well.

When I came thundering, you better have answers on the get-go.

Unluckily for him, I was blazing and thundering.

What a bad time to be the Grim Reaper.

"Now Leto-" Lucifer began light-heartedly, nervous and with a twisted sense of good intention. "Stay out of this," I sharply snarled, Lucifer shrank back.

Fool's play was what this was, manipulating Lucifer was hard, manipulating Death was impossible.

Unless you stuck a raging secretary with a notorious temper that ended up with five folks' hospitalisation in the span of three months. Then people—men especially—tended to listen more.

"You better stop talking, Death before I start with setting you on fire." I warned, my gaze boring into him. He shifted slightly, "There is nothing I can tell you."
"Repeat that for me." I spoke more calmly than I should of, both men shivered as they realised what was to come.

Hell in handbasket that's what.

Lucifer tried to slip past me, my arm shot out and my fingers wrapped around his collar, abruptly yanking down and sending him crashing to the ground then flicked my wrist up so that he was struggling for breath, his hands automatically flying to his throat and he began to thrash as the material cut into his throat. "Oh lookie here," I smiled cynically, this could work.

I reached into my back pocket and brought forth a pen knife, grinning crazily. Lucifer lashed and gurgled as the loss of oxygen interfered with his human appearance, the start of his human skin's demise beginning as it flaked off of his body, revealing irritated and inky black skin with pulsing red veins that harshly throbbed. Switching the blade up, I stooped to place the blade against the exposed skin of Lucifer's neck. "What a shame, what a shame. Satan won't be happy." I grinned evilly.

Little Lucifer was Satan's favourite, wouldn't it be unfortunate if he appeared dead on Satan's gates, bloodied and broken?

That was something to find out.

He would heal eventually, but it would be unknown how damaged and how long he'd be out of action for, since this was a blessed knife, I'd estimate a year at least.

Lucifer recoiled at the dull glow, writhing against me when I drew it closer. "No!" Came his strangled plea, it was slightly fuelling my psychotic mood swing. "No what?" I cruelly asked, cold and icy, but a glint of hysterical amusement crackled underneath the surface, crowing with mocking laughter.

"Start talking." I spoke bluntly, Decim hesitated, a fraction too long for my patience. I gently pressed the blade into Lucifer's throat, not far enough to let blood. His skin sizzled and the rancid smell of burning flesh invaded my nose, I scrunched it up in disdain. Lucifer let out a smothered cry, choking on the last bit as I wrenched the collar up. Decim leaped forward, "Fine!" I retracted the blade,
"Go on." Lucifer was on the verge of passing out.
"A wager," Death said firmly.

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