A Night To Forget

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I stood with shock as I drank in every detail of the woman's physique. She was curvy, a comfortable weight, acne attacked her chin and forehead, which had been desperately covered with powder. But that did little to dent her bold beauty, her inky hair stood against her pale skin, few blemishes dotted her exposed arms.

I could understand my infatuation with her, I could picture me falling for such a shameless and confident woman. But it saddened me that I could not reciprocate the admiration she held in her eyes. She claimed she was over it, over me, but I could see the broken traces of a girl who was passionate about the relationship and was set on being committed.

Being dead does wonders to your ability to be empathetic and how to profile with a single glance.

The next thing I knew, I had Lye in a tight hug, holding her tightly as she tried not to sob onto my shoulder. I understood she had a glimmer of hope, a little spark that had been stamped out the second she saw my blank stare. I felt like I had crushed her, yet, I also felt like I had assured her closure. She could officially move on without fearing I was still holding on.

I pulled away and smiled kindly, "Do not fear, Lye, I shall be able to recollect them soon, thank you for telling me that, I have one out of three pieces I needed to get my memories back."
"I made a wager with Decim, get the names of my mother, my father and my lover and I would be able to get clearance to dabble with black magic to get my memories back."
"I am afraid your mother and your father's names are not mine to give, Salem was so persistent about you being told by him." Lye smiled back, I nodded,
"Right, I have until the day after's dawn."
"Well, your time is plentiful, we shall leave you for now and only seek you if we have located Salem." Astraea said, I nodded once more,
"Please do, we have many topics to discuss, I want to see my baby brother again."
"It is fine." They said in unison before leaving me standing there.

"Well, we failed," Lucifer growled,
"I and the Dead Boys were told that we were to keep them separated from you, something about you cheating the wager."
"There were no set rules, and the deal was made before Decim could establish any, it would be cheating on his part to suddenly magic rules out of nowhere."
"True," Lucifer shrugged carelessly. "What was it like to find out you courted beforehand, to a woman no less."
"It tells me that I was an anarchist in a way, eleven years ago, displaying affection to that degree towards the same-sex ended with disgustingly unfair verdicts."
"Very true, you just don't realise how anarchic you could be at times."
"And you know?"
"All too well, one of the reasons I brazenly flirt with you." Something clicked with me.

Lucifer, by nature, differentiated from angels with everything. All angels were to be kept virginal and free of sexual activity, as that would be displaying the sin Lust. So that, obviously, made Lucifer sexually active in all departments. Lucifer, as I already knew, was pansexual or bisexual.

"Lucifer, do you-"
"Would you look at the time, see you!" The question hung in the air, I was only vaguely aware of the answer, and it made some sort of sense to me. But I wasn't sure why.

I smartly decided to leave it be and enjoy my night. I would be moving into Limbo soon, as the party came to a close.

Dancers filed out again, filtering away into the different gates. Not very surprisingly, Limbo would be the most busy, that or Elysium, as people visited their long dead family members or reunited with them for the final stage of the night.

I pushed through the portal and landed back in Limbo's alleyway. Many loitered around, carrying drinks and chattering. I gracefully sashayed away from them and out into the brilliantly lit streets. I saw Malcolm dressed with many 'Brides' hanging off of his arms.

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