Chapter One

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Hey my fluffy kittens!
This is my first book on Wattpad so please forgive my mistakes. This is my first time writing a romance AND werewolf story so it won't be amazing. I also just recently defeated my three month long writers block, so I'm kind of grasping at straws here. Anyways, hope you like the story!
I'm lying in blissful darkness when I'm disturbed by a familiar sound in my ear.
"Get up Hailee! Get off your freaking ass!!"
I groaned and rolled onto the other side of my bed. I didn't want to leave my paradise. Never.
"Don't make me repeat myself," a sinister voice hissed in my ear.
Immediately I sat up.
Oh no. I thought. I'm for sure getting a beating.
I slowly dragged my gaze up and met the eyes of my furious brother. His green eyes were swirling with hate. I even saw a bit of gold. His wolf was trying to come through.
"You're late," he hissed.
"I-I'm so sorry! I s-slept in," I stuttered.
"Sorry isn't good enough is it? It won't make breakfast appear in the table, will it?" he asked.
I shook my head no, keeping my eyes lowered.
"Get down stairs and make breakfast for the whole pack before we go to school. If you don't, I'll use silver for your daily beating," he threatened.
I winced. Silver was a werewolves kryptonite. It burned our flesh and never healed. I still have scars from when I was a child.
I stared at my brown, scratchy old rag I called a blanket.
"You have ten minutes," he hissed, and left my room, slamming the door shut.
I felt a couple tears escape and roll down my sunken cheeks, but I shook my head. Tears were a sign of weakness. I may be an Omega, but I will never allow my pack to see my tears.
I threw off my blanket and looked at myself in the cracked mirror. My orange eyes are lifeless. My jet black hair hangs limp and my pale, sickly skin clings to my bones. Some may think cheekbones are attractive but when you could see your whole facial structure, now that is a problem.
I quickly run my broken comb through my tangled hair. As you may have guessed, yes I am being abused by my pack. They only let me eat once every three days. I only get to drink one tablespoon of scorching hot water a day and I'm pretty much the packs punching bag.
Worst part is that I don't know why. My parents are alive and kicking. One of my brothers has become a successful lawyer, and the other is the soon to be Beta. I've never harmed a single hair on anybody's head in this pack. I even feel bad when I squish a mosquito! So why are they doing this to me?
Get your head out of the gutter. My wolf, Naull warned, Or else it may never come out.
I nodded my head and stopped thinking these thoughts.
I quickly tied my hair into a messy bun and put on a pair of ripped jeans and a black V-neck with a huge hole in the back. I slipped on my worn out sneakers and shrugged on my faded sweater. All of this was too small for me. I haven't gotten new clothes in over three years.
I hurried downstairs and rushed into the kitchen.
The pack house was practically a castle. It was every little girls dream.
I scanned the white kitchen and found that the pack members had already left for school. They kindly left me a note saying that when they got home they would beat me black and blue.
If the pack had already left, that means I missed first period. They always skip first period which they ALL have together. Me included. It was history. My favorite subject.
I snatched a Granny Smith Apple from the fruit bowl and hurried out. I didn't have a car. I wasn't a high enough rank. I had to walk to school, which was about three miles away. I started to sprint towards my school but I heard a twig snap. I slowly turned around as an intoxicating smell wafted towards me.
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.
MATE!! MATE!! Naull yelled in my head. I could feel her trying to take control and follow the scent. But she didn't need to. Before I even realized it, I was walking towards the smell.
I followed it deep into the forest and into a clearing ahead.
I heard the crash of a waterfall as I stepped into the clearing.
I felt as if my heart was being forcefully torn out of my chest as I watched the scene before me. The intoxicating scent of woods and mint belonged to my mate who was none other than my soon to be pack Alpha, Jaxon Cole. The one who abused me the most.
I saw him leaning against his red mustang sucking face with a blond bimbo in between his legs.
Tears welled up but I forced them back down.
Jaxon looked up and smirked. He continued to kiss the blond even more passionately than before.
I watched his endless hazel eyes flutter shut as the blond deepened the kiss. Her hands were tangled in his curly brown locks as she pulled him closer. I watched as his perfectly kissable lips traced down her tan jaw line and down her neck. He stopped when her neck meets her shoulder. The place where her mate would mark her.
It's as if I was living a nightmare. I tried to move my feet my they were glued to the spot. I tried to look away but I was frozen in shock.
This was my mate? I thought. He's the one who was supposed to sweep me off my feet and rescue me from this hell hole?
I could hear Naull whimpering. She felt as much pain as I did. She whispered 3 words that would haunt me forever.
He rejected us.
I clutched my heart in pain as I watched his canines elongate and dug themselves into the blonds neck. I watched as she arched her back in pleasure. He was marking her.
NO! I yelled in my head. NOOO!!!
I whimpered in pain as I felt a burning sensation. It felt like my skin was being burnt off. I shut my eyes and collapsed to the ground, howling in pain.
This is the pain of our mate rejecting us. Naull whispered.
I thrashed on the ground. My head became clouded, it felt like hot needles were being shoved into me and not being taken out. I scratched my skin until it was bloody. I needed the needles to go away. I felt my mind inch towards the darkness, my paradise. But I refused.
NO! I will not die!! I thought.
The last thoughts I had were of revenge. Revenge to make Jaxon Cole feel as much pain as I did when he marked her.
I felt the inky darkness envelope me as I fell into unconsciousness.

Hello my cute kitties,
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