Chapter 3

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Hello little kitties,
I just wanted to say thank you to the-spirit_tiger for being the first to vote and comment on my story. It really means a lot to me.
*2 days later*
I woke up to the shrill beeping of my alarm. It was slightly broken, so the noise was louder and higher than it's supposed to be.
I reached my hand out and slammed it on my alarm. I felt it crumble underneath the strength I put.
Whoops...I thought.
I sat up and felt my sore muscles clench. I gritted my teeth with pain. Even though I'm a werewolf, I don't heal as fast as others because I'm not as strong as them.
I slipped out of bed and slipped on a pair of sweat pants and a baggy sweater. Everything I had was littered with holes. There was one that took up the side of my sweater. Now everyone could see my bright pink shirt with a picture of hello kitty on it.
I left my room and hurried towards the kitchen. I quickly made some scrambled eggs and some bacon. I set the table and put the amount of food that corresponded with everybody. The fashionistas usually had yogurt and granola and the fighters practically ate 3 pigs and 7 eggs.                       
The pack came down as I was cleaning the kitchen. They all snickered at my shirt.
"Hey Omega, nice shirt you got there!" she sneered.
I felt my cheeks redden at her comment, but I really couldn't control what clothes they give me.
Punch her...Naull whispered. Do it!!
She's been incredibly aggressive ever since Jaxon rejected us. Every time we come into contact with him or one of his friends, she tries to get me to punch them. Although, I can't say I don't like this side of her. I kind of prefer her this way. She gives me hope that maybe we will survive this wretched world of ours.
Now I know what you're thinking. You are hated by your pack and you're mate less, why don't you just leave?
I don't want to be considered weak. I don't want them to think that they finally got under my skin. Because if they think they drove me away, what stops them from doing the same thing to someone else they don't like?
When I finished putting all the dishes away I quickly snatched a banana and sprinted to my attic. I almost made it when I felt a rough hand wrap itself around my wrist. They tugged hard and dislocated my left shoulder. I whimpered in pain as I looked up and saw the person I dreaded seeing the most. Jaxon Cole.
He sneered and mocked my whimper.
"Why are you still here, Omega? I thought my rejection would have pushed you to the edge,"
I gritted my teeth. I soooo wanted to answer but I refused. I'm an Omega. I can only be given permission to speak.
He grinned as Natalie came and attached herself to his arm like a leech.
"Hey babe," she purred, "What are you doing with her?"
"Nothing. Nothing at all,"
They both turned on their heel and left me boiling with rage.
How DARE they act like that! Do they even know the pain I went through to make their life perfect? No! Because they're just a bunch of little brats who get everything they want in life without asking twice...I thought.
Do something. Leave. Make them realize how much they need you. No one will be cooking, cleaning. They'll be left on their own. Naull whispered.
I was about to agree when I snapped out of my trance.
No. I thought. Not until I'm ready.
Naull nodded respectfully and retreated to the back of my mind.
I reached my attic. I threw the door open and let it slam from the momentum. I glanced at my shoulder and mentally prepared myself for what's coming next. I stuffed a pillow into my mouth to muffle my scream. I gently wrapped my hand around my bicep. I counted down from three, 3....2....1! I pushed up as hard as I could and shrieked at the pain of my bone relocating itself. I felt tears stream down my face but I ignored them. I carefully peeled my banana and shovelled it down.
I sighed. I missed bananas.
I suddenly heard someone knocking on my door. They threw it open and I came face-to-face with the malicious, Natalie Ross. One of the people who absolutely destroyed my life.
And she had the most dreaded weapon in the Omega society, a whip. She advanced with a light smile playing on her lips. Her blond hair was tied up in the back and she was wearing all black.
She noticed me observing all the details and she smirked.
"Wouldn't want any of my good clothes ruined with your filthy blood, y'know?"
I scooted back in my bed until I was huddling in the corner. I whimpered as she started to twirl with whip around her fingers.
"You've been a bad girl, Omega. " she stated, "I think you deserve some punishment!"
She seized my hair and pulled my out of my bed and threw me to the ground. My recently dislocated should burned in pain. I looked up at her in terror as she pushed down until I was on my stomach. She then lifted up my shirt and let loose the whip of doom.
It smacked against my skin and she just kept flicked it with her wrist.
Long, angry red welts appeared on my back but she just sighed in disappointment.
"It seems I'm not hitting hard enough,"
Natalie flicked her wrist harder and harder until the whip started to draw blood. I lay on the ground and screamed in agony. I could feel every fiber of the whip dig itself into my and force its way out. Then in and out.
I felt tears threaten to spill but I blinked them back.
No tears,I chanted in my head.
The torture went on like this for another half and hour until she finally stopped.
"It seems second period is about to start," she said, "But I'll be back."
I tightly shut my eyes as she left my room and slammed the door shut.
I tried to lift myself up, but the pain in my back became unbearable and I had to lie down again. I tried crawling to the bathroom for my first aid kit, but that was also useless. I countless ways to get moving but in the end all I did was pass out from blood loss.
Hey there,
Did you guys like the chapter? A minor cliffhanger?
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