Special Chapter

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HEYYYYY! It's mah birthday! Yayyy! I'm old.......... Anywho, this is a special chapter. Since I completely skipped over the seven months of my main character being rogue, I decided to write a little snippet. Here it is!! Enjoy!

I silently crouched behind a bush. There were two rogues following me. Men. Max and Dave. They've been following me for the past two months. I've managed to get some information about them, but not much.

I stayed in the shadows as their figures came into view.

"Eh? Where'd she go?" a tall man asked. I presumed he was Max. His chocolate brown hair fell into his eyes as he swivelled his head from side to side.

The man next to him shrugged. He scratched his head, full of shaggy black hair. Dave was slightly shorter than Max, but definitely more ripped. His muscles practically had muscles.

They wandered around the clearing, trying to sniff me out. As Max neared the bush I was using as camouflage, I held my breath in fear of being found. I had made sure my scent was hidden by swimming in the lake and then rolling in mud. That should be sufficient for a couple more hours.

As he drifted away, I slowly released a breath. But then he darted back and peeked behind the bush.

I jolted back and tried to run but he grasped my ankle. I struggled but it was no use. Dave had come and restrained my arms.

I flailed around but the two men chuckled.

"Feisty little wolf, aren't ya?" Dave grinned.

"Shut up," I growled venomously.

He pulled rope out of his bag and proceeded to tie me up tightly. He set me down in the middle of the clearing and faced me with a grim expression.

"Where did you come from?" he demanded.

I sighed heavily and looked up at the night sky. I closed my eyes and pretended to plead to the gods above.

"Oh God, Moon Goddess, Zeus, Pluto, who ever is listening, please aid these two men. Their stupidity is stifling and I fear it may be infectious. It's quite a shame that these two have encountered this sickness. Please, oh please, will you smite them for me? Just so I don't get contaminated, or anything."

Max's eyes flared with anger.

"Answer him!" he growled.

I lowered my head and stared directly in to Dave's brown eyes. 

"I am rogue. I don't come from anywhere." I replied.

He groaned.

"You expect me to believe that? You just appear out of nowhere and defeat many other rogues. Do you really expect others not to become curious?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I do. I just expected them to have enough common sense to figure out that maybe looking for answers isn't beneficial to them. They'd gain nothing and probably lose their lives. So why do it?"

Max rolled his eyes in return. "Because if they succeed, they'd gain info on a formidable enemy."

I grinned, "I'm honoured that you think so highly of me. But, you know how the saying goes. Curiosity killed the cat."

"But-" Max started.

"But satisfaction brought it back!" Dave interrupted.

Dave lowered himself to my height and looked deep into my eyes.

I snorted and stared right back. 

"That would be the case. But, you may never find the answers you're looking for." I whispered.

Max shook his head vehemently and Dave stood up again.

"Well then, it seems we have to let you go." Max stated.

"That easily?" I wondered. There has to be a catch. There's always a catch.

"Yep. As long as we become allies, we'll let you go."

I grinned. "Deal."

Dave came closer with a knife and I stiffened. He raised his hands in a surrender symbol and cut the ropes that restrained me feet and wrists.

I happily jumped up and shook out all the kinks in my muscles.

"Well then....I bid you farewell," I waved as I dashed into the forest.

Max and Dave watched me sink into the inky shadows with a sigh.

"Did we make the right choice? Did we gain an ally?" Max asked worriedly.

Dave shrugged.

"We'll see."

Little did they know that a couple weeks later, I'd kill them because they betrayed my trust.

ALL DONE! Sorry it was so short. I needed something quick!




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