Chapter 1

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I held my old, battered pink suitcase in my hand which I've had since I was seven years old.

"Jesus what key is it" My dad muttered as he fumbled the big ring of keys that he held in his hand.

I looked around at our new home, it wasn't the most beautiful but it was what we could afford.

It was all white with brown wood framing around each of the windows; the door was red though which I thought was extremely ugly.

"Got it!" My dad exclaimed as he pushed open the big door.

When I entered I was met with the smell of dust and decay.

"Ew Jake this smell is horrid." My mom said to my dad covering her nose.

"I know I'm sorry I'll fix it." He called back; he was already inspecting all the rooms in the house.

There was a long hallway with two rooms on each side, the door on the left was to a beautiful dining room which already had a long dining table set with six large brown chairs.

As I walked around the first floor I couldn't help but notice that every room was painted the same beige color.

When I realized I still had my suitcase in my hand I walked to the giant staircase and up into the second floor. I looked down the hallway to my right and saw three door frames and I looked to my left there were two.

"Hey mom which room is mine?" I screamed down the staircase.

"First door on the right honey." She screamed back.

I turned into my room and I was taken back at how big it was. It was painted an almost plum color which I would have to fix because it was too bold for me. There was also already a queen-sized bed placed by a giant window on the left side of the room.

I set my suitcase down and lied down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I didn't want to be here and my parents knew that, I left my whole life in North Carolina to come to New York because my dad seemed to have found a better job. I knew that was a lie though because he's an at home psychologist now instead of his previous psychology work in an office, it just didn't make sense to me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash.

I jumped up from my bed and looked down into the hallway.

"Violet?" My mom called.

"Yeah, what was that?" I called back

"I don't know I was about to ask you the same thing."

My dad rushed up the stairs and looked around.

"Hmm, I can't seem to find anything broken." He seemed confused, as was I.

"Weird." I replied.

My dad walked back down the steps and I followed because I never got to finish looking at the first floor.

He lead me into a huge kitchen where my mom was placing utensils into draws. The kitchen seemed to be the only modern thing about this house, instead of wood furnishings the counters were marble and the chairs were metal.

"Isn't it nice honey, I've always wanted a big kitchen." My mom smiled.

"I guess." I muttered.

"We've even gotten used to the smell right guys." My dad laughed.

To be honest I really did get used to the disgusting smell I hardly even noticed it now.

"Yeah but we're going to have to do something about the smell, I want to be able to have people over without them being scared away." She laughed

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