Chapter 1: A Slow Start

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*The year is 1974 and KISS just released their first album*


"Gene, I know we've been friends for a long time, but I can feel something is going to become of this friendship"

"......Paul I'm not sure I understand" I reply hesitantly

"I know this is sudden but.... I think I love you"

"What? You can't be serious" well this was a surprise....

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you" Paul looks at his shoes waiting for me to reply

"It's just..... I don't like you in that way" I'm honestly really confused right now

"You wanna know something Gene?" Paul looks right into my eyes

"What?" I return the gaze

"You're 2 hours late for rehearsal."


I open my eyes feeling relieved that I'm staring at the ceiling and not at Paul.

"Well that would have to be my weirdest dream yet" I think laughing to myself

Turning my head I see the time 11am shining bright on my alarm clock. The guys are going to kill me! I quickly jump out of bed, shower, change into my super cool tight leather pants, with a black shirt and belt, and rush to the door.

I grab my apartment keys off the table, say goodbye to Ace and run out the door....wait.......ACE IS IN MY APARTMENT?! Of course, like my day couldn't get any more worse, there is a hungover spaceman on my couch, who is also late for rehearsal. But hey, at least now I'm not the only one!

I walk up to the sleeping Ace and try to shake him awake. Nope, still asleep. Moving onto plan b I call out to him "Ace" no answer. "Ace Frehley!" I try again. "PAUL DANIEL FREHLEY GET UPPPP" I practically scream. But of course he doesn't even flinch. Going to have to do this the hard way...

I walk into the kitchen grabbing the nearest glass, filing it up with water. Yes I realise that pouring a cold glass of water over my friends head isn't the nicest thing to do, but there's no way I'm leaving him ALONE in MY apartment. I can't afford anything broken this week since the band is earning just enough to pay my rent. I give the space ace one last shove before I decide that he's really not waking up, and I am about to pour the water onto him.......wait is he wearing my shirt? I really need to change the locks on my doors. I bend down closer to see if he really is wearing my property when he suddenly grabs my collar and pulls me onto him like I'm some sort of oversized teddy bear.

Well this is just excellent isn't it. First I have a disturbing dream (ew), then I'm late for work and now I'm lying on top of my hungover bandmate who snuck into my house sometime last night.

"I love you Jeanette" Ace whispers

Ok I have to admit, I'm trying really hard not to laugh. But I am also trying really hard not to be kissed by Ace who thinks I'm Jeanette. At least his dream is better than mine was. By the way if you didn't know, I'm the only one who knows that Ace likes Jeanette, they are just friends at the moment but he wants to be something more.

I am so deep in thought I don't even realise that Ace is kissing me....ACE IS KISSING ME?! This has crossed the line. It's one thing that he thought I was Jeanette (which was hilarious) but seriously this has gone from funny to awkward in a matter of seconds.

I struggle out of his grip and sprint over to the kitchen to wipe my mouth. This out of all things wakes him up. Of course!

"Sorry about that curly...." Ace calls out "I thought you were Jeanette"

"You don't say" I reply from the kitchen while wiping my mouth. This day keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Walking back into the lounge room I say "start explaining"

"About what?" He replies cluelessly

"About why you're in my apartment wearing my clothes!" Can he really be that stupid

"Oh yeah well I was out partying last night as always and I had nowhere to go so you know I came here" he said calmly "if only I didn't have this hangover my head's killing me!"

Whatever I don't have time for this.

"Well we better get going we were supposed to be at the studio 3 hours ago" I said grabbing my jacket with Ace following me.

We head out onto the busy streets of New York waiting for a cab.

"Do you think Paul's gonna be okay with us being this late?" Ace asks

"Not a chance spaceman"

This is going to be a long day.

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