Chapter 7: A New Day

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Wow last night's show was epic! Some chick pulled Gene into the crowd when he was standing on the edge of the stage and tried to steal his bass. That guy has gone through a lot today. Speaking of stealing things, when we got back into the dressing room Paul discovered that someone had stolen his favourite boots. Believe me he was not happy. Oh is that the time?! I better ring Ace to make sure he's coming to the studio today.


UGGGHHHHH! REALLY? WHY ME? WHY THOSE BOOTS? WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE STOLEN MY CHEAP SHITTY ONES INSTEAD? Hopefully they'll turn up in a while, if someone decides to return them. Highly doubt it though. I decided to stay at Gene's place last night because Ace is staying at Jeanette's and Peter spent the night at his parents house since it's near here. It's kind of nice to get away from the hotel rooms and the girls because touring really does get tiring, although we love it. I should probably get Gene up since we should go to the studio, Bill will want to talk to us.


I open my eyes to stare at the sun shining onto the wall in front of me. Another boring day of course. I turn around to see- OH MY GOD! Geez I just almost had a heart attack. I was expecting to see my window showing the views of a new day, but no, I see Ace Frehley, which is much better than a window. I need to get used to this whole dating thing. I probably shouldn't wake him, I'll just go get a coffee. I walk across the room before tripping over something. I look down to see a pair of leather boots, that aren't mine.....or Ace's, so where did they come from? Just then he sits up and stares at me, "Hey" he says. "Hey" I say back "have you got any idea where these came from?" "Um yeah ahah I might have borrowed them from Paul.....they just looked like really nice boots!" He replies.


Ok so those boots that Paul lost last night.....I may have stolen -well not stolen- borrowed them. Yeah I know I probably should have said something before he went spastic, but I was going to return them in a couple of weeks anyways.

*ring ring ring*

"I should probably get that" I say to Jeanette as I walk over to reach the phone on the wall.

"Hey dude it's Pete, are you coming to the studio?" He says

"Yeah I'll be there, meet me at the bus station on Twenty-Third street" I reply and hang up

I get ready, say goodbye to my girlfriend and head over to meet Peter. I wonder if I'll have time to pick up some beer on the way there. Nah if Paul and Gene find out they'll kill me!


"Paul, are you sure you really feel this way.... I mean, I thought we were just friends" I say to the Starchild

"Gene I know how I feel, and I want to be with you" he looks into my eyes

"I.....I.....I have to go" I get up and leave the moonlit park that we were sitting in

"Wait!" He calls out "I have to tell you something" he says as he runs to keep up with me

"Paul if you tell me you love me I'm leaving the band" I joke

"I just wanted to say-" he starts "GENE SIMMONS GET UP WE'RE LATE" he screams


"AHHHH" I yell waking up suddenly

"Calm down it's not my fault you sleep for 15 hours at a time" he smiles "I needed to wake you up somehow"

I am SOOOOOOO glad that it was just a dream. Gene what's going on in your head! These dreams with Paul happen way too often. Anyway let's just forget that ever happened, I have a studio to go to. I get up, get ready, and follow Paul all the way down to the bus stop where we should be meeting Ace and Peter, unless they got lost along the way. I wonder if Bill has any news! "Hi Curly!" Ace yells out as he sees us approaching. Peter is so busy trying to get a girls number that he doesn't even notice us arrive. "Hey Ace" Paul replies. We catch the bus into the city where we catch a taxi up to the studio. Bill is standing at the door waiting for us while drinking a coffee. "Fellas I have something great planned for you today, it'll really boost your career!" He says to us excitedly when we arrive. "And what would that be?" I say, amused at his enthusiasm.


"You're all having a photo shoot today!" He replies to Gene smiling.

Not sure how I feel about this. Last time we had a photo shoot, the makeup artists insisted that they do our makeup, which is the only time we haven't done it ourselves, and they completely changed mine and I looked super strange! Worst of all, it ended up on the album cover. I just hope we get a good one this time...

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