2.Ignite My Heart

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I woke up the next morning feeling nervous, like something bad was going to happen today. But as usual, I decided to ignore that feeling and get dressed for today, if your wondering if I go to school or not, I don't. I don't go to school because I never stay in one place for to long so i am going to leave London, probably next week to go to Leeds or somewhere like that.

I got up and brushed my knotty mop of curls with my fingers,

why do I have to wake up so damn early!

I thought whilst taking my sweet time getting up from the lumpy bed that I will not miss, considering it has gave me back aches more that 3 times so I had to hobble around like that creature of Lord Of The Rings.

I walked into my small bathroom noticing that it actually looked fairly clean today and smelled nice as well.

"It must have been Leslie"

I thought whilst sighing. Even though I was rude to her and bitchy she still cleaned up my bathroom.

Not that I'm forgiving her of course, I walked back over to my bed and pulled out a small pink suitcase from under the bed. Opening it, I realized that most of my clothes were in the bag instead of in the wardrobe. Taking out a black dress that reached mid thigh, black leggings, a black tight shirt and a black cardigan along with some black flats, I know, a lot of back, not that I am depressed or anything.

Walking over to my now clean bathroom I stripped and put on the tight black shirt and tugged the dress on, I put on my leggings with my flats and put on my cardigan.

Stumbling out, I realized that I didn't wash my face, brush my teeth or brush my hair. Sighing to myself in frustration, I walked back into the bathroom and did what I needed to do, which took about 20 minutes because my hair wouldn't cooperate with me today, not that it usually did.

I officially hate mornings, and to add to my misery,  that small suitcase now looks like its going to explode.

I walk out of the apartment building and go to the bus stop waiting for my number 7 to come. When I get there I see that i am the only one there apart from some teenage boys hanging out in a corner, laughing like hyenas.

When they catch me staring they look over at me and smirk, I think that this is my time to leave?

I sigh but still get up and start walking down the street to the next bus stop when somebody suddenly grabs my arm from behind. I slowly turn around and i'm suddenly face to face with a fat chubby guy who has greasy skin and hair with lots of pimples. He looks at me from head to toe whilst licking his chapped lips.

He grabs my face and I could smell alcohol in his breath, I struggle against his hold and try to escape his grimy hands, but if possible, he tightens his hold and pulls me closer to him.

"What a fucking freaky eye color you have..."

he slurred whilst staring at my eyes in disgust,

"But apart from that, what a beautiful body you have"

He eyes me up and down again, whilst stroking my cheeks. I struggle once again and manage to free my arm that now feels numb because of his tight hold. At first, I thought of smacking him, but one look at him face that is covered with pimples, i immediately push that choice away.

Not wanting to create a scene, I push him away but he only stumbles back and then glares at me with so much hatred I thought that that his glare would burn a hole through my head. Grabbing my jaw once again, he starts touching my butt with his other hand

Feeling disgusted, I step on his foot but he doesn't flinch at all, I looked around, trying to see if there were any other pedestrians wandering around, but of course, no one would be strolling along the streets at 4:30 in the morning.

All if a sudden, I feel claustrophobic and something inside me snap, I shut my eyes tight and did the unexpected that I never thought I would ever do.

I felt a new power course through my whole body, and I shivered at the intensity of it.

I felt something that I have never felt before.

With new found confidence, I keep my eyes shut tight and push him away from me with all my power,

"Get the fuck of me, you fucking bastard!"

I yell whilst panting heavily and my arms outstretched in front of me. I slowly open my eyes and look around, but all I saw were red dots. Trying to get my regular eyesight back, I blink rapidly and then suddenly realized that I pushed a man away from me that was at least triple the weight of mine and size of me  with so much force that he could have broke a bone or two.

Slowly turning around to the direction I pushed him, I saw him on the floor, unconscious and a pool of blood around him. To be more specific, around his head.

"Oh God..."

I whisper, trying to get my head around the situation. Stumbling back, I could feel tears slowly stream down my red cheeks and I quickly covered my mouth with trembling hand to contain the sobs that threatened to come out.

I slowly sank to that floor and started to sob until I could barely breath,

"Oh God...I think I killed someone!"

I whisper/shout and start to tremble more,

"Take deep breaths, Rachel...Deep breaths"

I reassured myself, trying to calm myself down, even though I thought that there was no way in hell I could calm down after killing someone, even if I did try to defend myself.

After a few minutes or so, I slowly get up on shaky legs and hobble over to my abandoned suitcase. Picking it up gingerly, I turn around and see the man twitching like he is about to wake up or something.

"Thank god I didn't kill him! Even though he is a fucking pedophile!"

I thought, sighing in relief.

I quickly grab my suitcase and start to run away, in the opposite direction, stumbling more than once whilst trying to get away from the man that I nearly killed.

All that time, I didn't see the hidden figures who were hiding in the shadows, witnessing the whole thing.


Hi guys! Thank you for reading the sec page. Third will be up in a week or so, I'm busy with school and all so i wont be able to upload much!




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