7.Ignite My Heart

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I woke up feeling extremely hot with the thick blanket covering my whole body. I tried to kick it of, but it got tangled with my legs and I started to feel a bit claustrophobic.

I panted, trying to get more air into my lungs, as I fumbled with the blanket and successfully made it drop to the floor. My eyes frantically looked around, but stopped as soon as I recognized the familiar room.

I sat up straight and ran a hand through my tangled hair; I haven't brushed it for a few days now, or maybe weeks.

I licked my lips, wincing as I accidentally put to much pressure on a small cut. Standing up, I felt a little bit more refreshed, considering that I was dead tired yesterday since I had barely gotten any sleep.

Someone knocks lightly on the wood door, like they were afraid that it would break.

"Rachel, you awake yet?"

Seth questioned as he carried on knocking like there was no tomorrow.

I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance. I couldn't be bothered replying because my throat felt dry so I trudged over to the door and yanked it open, scaring Seth, as he suddenly jumped back and let out a girly screech.

I giggled lightly but quickly shut my mouth and looked at Seth, glad that he didn't hear my giggle. If he did, it would be so damn embarrassing, I would want to go die in a hole.

He playfully glared at me, and walked into the living room, whilst carrying a tray of teacups.

"Dis you have a good rest?"

He asked whilst smiling at me softly.

I muttered a reply and sat back down onto the sofa.

I know I seem ungrateful, but I am in a strangers house and I don't know if I can actually trust them, so I have to be a little cautious.

He put the tray onto the coffee table and sat next to me but I shuffled away, realizing that he was getting a little too close.

He seemed to have heard my reply from before, so he didn't ask me any questions, well, for the time being he didn't.

The door opened once again and Chase walked in with joggers and no shirt.

He was drying his wet hair, from the shower he took, with his eyes closed.

"Seth, you do realize that we can't exactly keep her here?"

he asked, his voice slightly muffled by the towel.

I don't think that he realized that I was here, because he carried on talking about me.

"We have to let her go soon, since they will eventually find her and take her weather she likes it or not"

He carried on rambling whilst I was staring at him intently, trying to figure out what he meant.

Seth was trying to get him to stop talking by shushing him and he was also frantically glancing between him and me.

"If we try to protect her and hide her, we would also get into trouble-"

He immediately stopped his rant when he opened his eyes and spotted me sitting on the sofa, looking at him with a suspicious look on my face.

He paled and started stuttering.

"R-Rachel, I d-didn't know that you were there...Why were-"

He trailed of but immediately stopped when I narrowed my eyes at him.

He slowly sat down at the edge of the sofa and started to fidget, his confident and cocky old self was gone and was replaced with a nervous person.

"Well, are you going to elaborate or what?"

I asked him quietly, sitting up, with my muscles tense, in case they tried to do anything.

He gulped and looked at Seth, his eyes were silently pleading Seth to jump in and help him.

Seth sat down opposite him and they both took a deep breath before starting.

"Well, you know, when we told you that we saw you in an alley way and decided to help you?"

Seth asked, looking at me with a nervous expression plastered on his face, the one on Chase's wasn't better either.

I nodded and he continued.

"Well, um, we were actually looking for you. We work for a secret agency called Cainlart but I don't think that many people know about it."

He glanced at me once again, with a grim expression on his face. I nodded at him and sighed in annoyance whilst rolling my eyes.

"Just carry on, I don't want you to keep on pausing"

I told him in annoyance.

He sighed and looked down but carried on anyway.

"We were ordered to get you and protect you from the group that was after you. The group that were after you found out and made a deal with us, if we gave you to them, they would order all the other groups to protect us from danger, considering that there is a group of trouble makers that kill people for no reason at all, and would give us all the weapons and money that we need, considering the fact that we need lots of weapons and money, they thought that it was a good deal and they agreed. The group that was after you are called Dark Shadows."

I stayed quite, trying to get all this information in.

As it all sank in, my eyes widened and I got the familiar feeling of betrayal wrap a blanket around my heart.

"S-so your j-just going to h-hand me over to th-them? Y-you were t-trying to get m-me t-to trust you wern't y-you?"

I stuttered, trying hard to not let the tears, that were threatening to fall, trail down my rosy cheeks.

They looked at me in sympathy but before they could say anything, I jumped up, ripped the door open and ran upstairs to grab my suitcase.

I could feel the tears stream down my face and my body shook by the force of the sobs that were escaping my mouth.

I grabbed it and ran back downstairs, successfully wiping the tears of my face and out of my eyes, so I could see more clearly.

I thought I could trust them, but they are the same as everyone else.

My face was clear of any emotion by the time I got downstairs.

I reached for the front door handle but someone yanked me back and stood in front of the door.

I looked up and saw that Seth was standing there with sympathy evident on his face.

He reached forward and softly whispered my name.

"Rachel....Rachel love we know that you think that we're going to send you of to that school that the group controls but trust me, we arn't"

He told me, with a soft smile on his face and his eyes were filled with unshed tears for some reason.

I gasped and looked at him in shock,

"Y-you aren't, w-why? I was sure th-that you were going t-to tell since you needed th-the money and weapons..."

I stuttered whilst continuing to stare at him in absolute shock, my heart was beating like crazy and it felt like it was going to jump out of my mouth.

He chuckled and lead me back into the living room where Chase was sitting, with his head in his hands.

I sat down and was still in a state of absolute shock.

They both looked at me and smiled weakly before saying,

"We have our reasons, love"

The tears streamed down my face and I gave them a small but audible Thank You whilst smiling gratefully at them.

They just earned my trust and I feel like I am in dept to them; A whole lot of weight was lifted of my chest.

"Thank You"

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