5.Ignite My Heart

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  • Dedicated to everyone who is reading this!

My bus finally got here and my whole body was numb when I sat down. I was shivering and rubbing my hands together, trying to warm up, but I was far from achieving that.

My mind drifted back to the strange boy that was in the shop.

He seemed so confusing and mysterious, I don't know why but something in my chest was pulling me towards him.

I was daydreaming and didn't realize that someone sat down next to me, I kept on staring out of the window, whilst counting the raindrops that were silently trailing down the glass.

I didn't turn around to see who it was. Whoever it was, was laughing with some other people, but I tried to block it all out, since I was already tired and had a killer headache.

They eventually stopped laughing and I breathed out a sigh of relief. I slumped back into my seat and took my phone out of my bag. My suitcase was in between my legs and my bag was on my lap, My body was rigid and I sat as still as I could, not wanting to touch the person that was sitting next to me.

I unlocked my phone and checked if I had any text messages or missed calls. My eyes instantly widened when I saw how many missed calls I had, and I nearly dropped my phone. There were at least over 60 missed calls from the same number, which I instantly recognized as Leslies'.

I ignored them and locked my phone, stuffed it into my bag and lay back in my seat again. My tense shoulder muscles began to relax as soon as I lay into the soft seats.

The person next to me suddenly went rigid and I glanced at them, I noticed that it was a boy with a black hoodie on, covering his face, along with a pair of grey skinny jeans and black converse.

I dismissed his strange attitude and went back to staring out of the window, which was currently getting attacked by raindrops.

My stop was the next one coming so I quickly reached over to the bell and rang it. The boy next to me got up to let me through so I quickly shuffled my way out of the seats and grabbed onto the railing so I wouldn't face plant the floor.

I quickly thanked the driver and stepped of the bus, feeling cold and lost. I looked around, and saw that there was almost no life at all. The long row of houses looked empty and abandoned as the cracked windows and broken doors reminded me of my old house.

The front lawn was like a swamp, long, brown grass, that died long ago but no one bothered cleaning it or patching it up, was climbing up the side of the house. The fence was white, well used to be white, was now chipped and grey. The hinges of the gate creaked loudly as the wind harshly whipped around, trying to destroy anything and everything, including my hair.

I shivered in disgust, noticing that the other houses were the exact same, but some didn't have cracked window or broken doors, but their front lawn were the same.

I walked down the street, trying to find shelter from the harsh wind and the rain that was plummeting down on me. I had nothing to cover my face with and I could feel my fingers go numb but I couldn't put them in my pockets since I had my suitcase to pull along with me.

I found an alley way that was fairly clean apart from the overflowing bins that were in the corner, in the shadows. I sat down and pulled my legs up to my chest, trying to keep warm.

Once again, my mind drifted back to the boys that were in the alleyway and the boy in the fish and chip shop. My eyes kept on closing but they shot right back open as soon as I heard a loud bang out a rustle.

All of a sudden, one of the bins fell over and I instantly jumped up, grabbing my suitcase and bag. I could feel my heart thudding against my rib cage, like it was about to run away and never return, and my breath come out as pants.

It felt like someone shoved their fist down my throat and was trying to grab my heart and pull it out. As gruesome as it sounds, that is how I felt that very moment.

I backed into the wall, frantically looking around, trying to find something that I can use to defend myself with.

Finding nothing, I had no choice but to pray that my luck would turn upside down and a cute little kitten will just jump out, meow, and run away like nothing happened, whilst I'm standing here, scared shitless, and peeing my pants.

I heard another crash, that nearly made me pee my pants and that was louder than the last, but I shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to see what or who it is that is going to pop out any moment and kill me.

After a few minutes or so, all I heard was silence so I slowly cracked one eye open, trying to see if there was anything there, but when I saw nothing I opened both of my eyes and looked around confused.

My gaze landed on the bins that fell over, and my eyes instantly widened to the size of golf balls (do you know how big they are?)  and my jaw fell on the ground. I panted, trying to get more air into my lungs, which were currently failing me, and could feel my throat swell up and tears gather up in my eyes, though I immediately blinked them away.

My hands dug into my bag, as I tried to grab my phone, but all I could feel was containers and sweet wrappers. I looked down and remembered that I put my phone in the outside pocket, so I flung it open and fumbled with my phone, before getting it into my hand.

I turned it on but groaned in frustration when I saw that I only had 5% of battery life remaining. Just when I was going to go into my contacts, which is nearly empty and has nothing in it at all, my stupid phone decided to die on me.

Just my damn luck! 

I cursed in my mind before quickly glancing back at the bins, which were now rolling around, due to the harsh wind that was whipping my hair around and blocking my sight.

My jaw hit the floor once again with a thud and my throat closed, which made me pant for oxygen and fill up my lungs, which were once again failing me, I could feel my my eyes water and my head grow heavy. I fell onto the floor with a thud, but the last thing I saw before I fell unconscious, were a pair of blood red eyes.

I seem to be fainting a lot, and seeing creepy things

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