2 months later

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  • Dedicated to To anyone who bothered to read this...

Two months later:

I woke up to the sound of someone rapidly banging on the front door. I slowly got up and stretched whilst rubbing my sore red eyes; I didn't get much sleep last night, I had a funny feeling in my stomach and I was extremely nervous for some reason.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Keep your damn hair one, unless your balled, then you would want to keep your damn pants on"

I chuckled at my own lame joke, as I limped down the stairs. The knocking carried on but it was much faster than before and much louder; I was surprised that Chase didn't wake up with all this racket, Sean went out last night because he had a meeting for something but he still hasn't returned.

I yawned as I looked through the peep hole, my jaw hit the floor, my eyes widened and I was wide awake, unlike before.

I stumbled back, hitting the wall in the process, I slid onto the floor, brought my knees up to my chest and lay my head on them. My breath came out as short pants, my lips were quivering with fear and unshed tears were swimming in my eyes.

"They can't be here, they can't! No! This is not possible! Why are they here!"

All I could hear were my uneven breaths, as I tried to calm myself down. I managed to drown everything else out so I could focus on breathing normally.

After a few minutes or so, I regained my posture and senses, and noticed that they were still knocking on the door. It sounded like they were going to break it down if we didn't answer soon.

I stood up, using the wall for support and speed walked upstairs. I walked into Chase's room and saw the massive lump on the bed and starting to shake him awake.

"Chase, Chase! You have to wake up, they came, Chase! They are going to take me! Chase! Damnit, just wake up you damn fuck!"

I shook him with all my might and the tears escaped my eyes and were now streaming down my already red face. I had to bite my lip, to not let the body shaking sobs escape.

Chase's eyes fluttered open and when he took in my appearance, he instantly shot up and looked around for the source of my discomfort.

He found nothing out of the ordinary, and when his confused gaze landed on me again, I managed to choke out a response.

"Ch-Chase, th-they're outside knocking on the d-door" I chocked out, stuttering.

"You have to help me Ch-chase, you c-can't let th-them take me, p-please Chase, y-you have to help me, p-please"

I fell down to the floor, hugging myself whilst my body shook by the force of my loud sobs. I couldn't breath properly and being hunched over didn't help the problem either; I could literally hear my heart snap in two.

I could feel his worried gaze looking down at me, he rushed into the bathroom and a minute later, he returned with grey joggers on and a navy blue t-shirt.

He came over to me and hugged me but quickly told me to go into his walk in closet and hide inside a few boxes or suitcases. I scrambled up and rushed into the closet and hid in the suitcase; I could hear things breaking, screaming, and cursing, coming from downstairs.

I hope Chase is alright! Oh God! It would be all my fault if he got injured or hurt!

All of a sudden, I heard a loud bang and everything was silent.

My breath got stuck in my throat, as I heard footsteps thundering up the stairs. The door creaked open and I heard someone step in but pause, like they were scanning the room.

"Dean! There is no-one in here! That prick! Kill that fucking prick!"

I heard someone roar. I cringed and squeezed my eyes shut.

I covered my ears with my shaking hands, and blocked out the world. I didn't know what was going on or who these people were, but I had a funny feeling that it wasn't good.

The moment I let my ears free, another bang made me gasp in shock.

There were more swearing and shouts but one voice stuck out the most. I could hear it echo in my ear, as it yells out my name.

A few minutes later, another voice joins in and I instantly remember them.

Seth and Chase

I could feel hot tears stream down my face, knowing that they were both alive. I pulled my knees up to my chest and I lay my head in them. I shut my eyes tightly and covered my ears with my hands, trying to block all the noise out.

I stayed in that position for at least 10 painfully slow minutes, wondering when all the commotion will stop. My eyes snapped open when the closet door slammed open, my breath got stuck in my throat and my body instantly froze.

I was thankful that they couldn't see me but I didn't hear their footsteps walk away so I knew that they were still trying to find something out of the ordinary. They slowly walked in and flicked the light on.

My muscles started to ache a little but I forced myself to stay in that position for a few more minutes.

I heard them walk around and mutter something under their breath but I couldn't hear them even if I did strain my ears. All of a sudden, I let out a scream, as I felt my  suitcase being kicked.

My eyes widened as I quickly realized my mistake and I covered my mouth with shaking hands. I could feel the person walk towards me and they were so close that I could hear their heavy breathing. My breathing quickened, as I tried to keep as quite as I could.

I knew it was stupid trying to hide, considering the fact that whoever is out there, knows that I am here.

I could feel their presence loom over me and reach for the zip, but before they could open it, another voice boomed out.

"Liam! We have to go, now! The damn cops are here and I can't afford to be caught!"

Even if that was one of the criminals, I couldn't help being grateful. I could hear Liam curse under his breath, and he slowly walked away.

My hand carried on shaking, as I made sure that they were definitely gone, so I could get out.

I could hear the sirens wail loudly, as they got closer and closer.

I stayed in there for another 10 minutes, before shakily getting out of the suitcase. I wobbled to the closet door and gingerly opened it. The light instantly shone into my eyes, making them ache, and I shook my head, trying to get my head clear.

I walked through the bedroom door, and down the stairs, though it was difficult, considering that I had a killer headache and my mind couldn't fully go around what just happened.

I opened the living room door and gasped, shocked at the sight that would scar my heart forever.

Hey!! Thank you for reading this! It really means a lot!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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