Chapter 24.

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A week Later:

It had just hit winter. Snow covered the ground and the trees were barren of leaves. But the thing was, not a soul had stepped outside in the snow, if you don't count Mr. Riley's footprints to his car every morning and every night. He had to go to work as bad as things were, but he had to take double shifts, because his family had decided to pay for Timothy's funeral. It would be a small short funeral. Nothing too unusual.

Days felt longer and were depressing. Dakoda stuck in her room hours upon hours. She usually cried herself to sleep, if not, she never slept. Timothy's dead body haunted her dreams. John himself did the same. Timothy and him had grown close like brother's almost. When his sister was alseep, he remebered that Tim and him would stay up past hours playing video games and laughing softly at jokes. Timothy had struck this family with such happiness that was taken from them in over a small summer. 

Suprisingly his death didn't just hurt his friends but it hurt Travis and his gang in a way that some people would be surprised. Travis himself felt as if he should of listened to the dick head John that day, and maybe just maybe Timothy would still be alive. Travis had put hours of sex away to think in his office at work. He'd look through pictures of his gang and he'd sometimes spend several minutes staring at the same boring picture of Timothy smiling.

Timothy was a gentlemen of sorts, he was a handsome fellow who had fallen in love with a girl, and now he was gone from the world. Never to return. His leaving was a very sad one. His story of getting hit by a car was soon disappeared. Some people didn't even know about Timothy. But, for some people, Timothy was like family.

Travis and his gang had recently tried to earn forgivness for Timothy's death and for kicking him out by offering to allow Eric back into the gang. But, all the gang was surprised by Eric's refusal.

Eric on the other hand, had spent long hours in Timothy's apartment. He had packed away most of Timothy's precious items, and even found his diary that Timothy always had to hide in a different spot every week so Eric wouldn't find it. He also found some of Dakoda's things as well, but he made sure to box those up in a seperate box to give to her.

In the past week, Eric and Dakoda had started some sort of friendly-enemy relationship. She didn't really like Eric, but he was the closest thing to Timothy, she knew off. Except for Timothy's lost brother. But, she knew that Timothy's brother was nothing like the Timothy she loved. So, she promised herself she'd never see his brother. But, how could you promise something like that?

Eric found Timothy's photography book and his DSLR Camera. He thought he might give those items to Dakoda. Maybe she can finish his photography book for Timothy. 

Mrs. Riley had just gone back to her normal ruetine, but also had to make sure her children ate and stayed alive. She was so worried about them, neither of them talked much and when they did, they were just asking for something. She heard their cries when she was going to sleep. And Mr. Riley and her talked a lot about sending them to a therapist. and soon it got to the point when they hired a private therapist.

His name was Mr. Finch. He had recently became a therapist and seemed to be the best one out there. He'd come once a week and spend a hour with each of her children. But, That didn't help her children. Not one bit. So, she told the therapist that she would look for someone who could help. But, nothing came up when she looked online or in town. No one seemed to fit her children's needs.

 It was getting nearer to christmas everyday, but Neither Dakoda or John were happy. Dakoda seemed to get worse. She'd think of how terrible it was that she didn't get to see Timothy. Timothy hadn't had a single holiday with them before and it was so terrible that he was gone. She missed him terribly and sometimes she'd get up at night and grab her phone to hear his voice on his voicemail. But, each time made her want to cry.

She wanted him there to tell her he loved her and that he promised never to leave her. He had promised the night before he died and he never fullfilled it. He never did and just knowing that made her hurt worse. She wanted him back.

With Christmas and the Funeral drawing closer, Mr. Riley worked as hard as ever to fullfill the holiday's and the funeral.

Then, the day of the funeral came.

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