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dedicated to @zainababdullahilawal again. This girl is psychic or something. i always make sure i don't let her know when I'm updating but she always seems to send a message right before i upload my book. She just sent a message now asking me if captive is back. Right when i was going to update. Anywayy

Hope you like the chapter. 


MalamAudu's POV (insert evil laughter here)

Isit on the bed and kick off my shoes. I had a very busy day. Things didn't goas I planned and now I have nothing else to do for the rest of the day.

Todaywas meant to go differently. Way differently.

Butit's Qadr (destiny) I believe.

Thingswere off at the Bilal's household. Off in a weird way. Bilal couldn't make eyecontact with me for some reason and it kept me thinking. He is definitelyhiding something from me. A part of me is screaming he is not hiding somethingrather he is hiding someone.

Idon't ponder on the thought for a long time. Bilal isn't that smart. He can'tpull off something like what I think he has. Yes he is the state attorney Igive him credit he is book smart but not street smart. That's why it was easyto manipulate him for so long.

Idon't blame him. How can he be street smart when he always lived the perfectlife. Big house, went to the best schools, went to school in the sleekest cars,he had everything he needed but most importantly, he had a loving family, hehad people who cared so much around him. In short he had everything I neverhad.

Iturn around to look at Lulu's picture on my bedside table.


I canstill see her eyes when I close my eyes.


Theeyes he took away from me.

I feela pang of hatred as I remember that night. The night that caused me to turn outthis way.

Youknow they say everyone has a monster in them, but they just need something totrigger the monster.

Well,I remember the night that triggered my monsters.

30years ago, but I can still remember it clearly.

I just got out of the shower. I was singingthe song to the coke commercial. I couldn't get the song out of my head. Lord, Iloved that commercial.

One. Because the song was very catchy

Two. Because the girl with black hair inthe commercial looked a lot like Lulu.

I miss Lulu so much. She was coming hometoday. I just can't wait to see her.

I pick up the letter I received by coachfrom her.

I was written in her perfect cursive. I lovedthe way she put tiny hearts on top of her "i". It was so adorable.

It was dated about a week ago. She toldme just found out she passed the bar.

I was so happy for her. I can alreadyimagine her in her lawyer wig. She has been gone for about two months and I haven'theard her voice. The only way we could communicate was with letters.

I dressed and planned the evening in myhead one last time.

Tonight was the night I was going topropose. I just couldn't wait to see her reaction.

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