Just thought I would start it off with this tag I always wanted to do.
How did you know you were different?
I noticed I was different than my family and everyone around me when I wasn't very social and introverted. I was always very shy and quiet to everyone because of my anxiety and fears of getting a respond that would upset or scare me. I also wasn't a people person because I felt that everyone would always talk about me and make jokes about me. I also have a deep love and interests to anime for my whole life for that too. My different tastes in music came to me too as I mostly like rock, techno, Gothic rock and other Gothic genres of music. Heck I even like this rare and internet genre called vaporwave/future funk. Also the group of friends I hang out with are seen as weird to the others and I felt more comfortable with them than the rests. Gosh I didn't think I would make a passage of this XD.
Do people judge you?
I've never had anyone or any family members get on my case for being different, but I do suspect that their judging me in their mind. I mostly feel uncomfortable when even someone of my own race is secretly judging me just because I'm different from the race peers and society I'm supposed to live in with them. I mean not everyone is gonna be the same as their supposed to be!!
How do you react to negative people?
I really don't know because I've never had that experience before in my life. But I would just ignore them and say 'why thanks for the compliment! I'm sure to improve my style and bug you more than bring me down!! (Negative people make me feel sick I swear)
What does your family think?
They really don't care as long as I'm still doing good in school and my life and don't get into too much trouble. I do have a fear that I could make a change to myself that could make them freak out and have trust issues with me...
How do you remain true to yourself?
I just be me and live through life as it is. I'll soon have to learn how to tolerate with negativity and different views of myself from people's eyes. I still have to work on my confidence and self-esteem as that could get in the way of being fully me. I do believe that I will still be an introvert not just because I wanna distance myself, but I feel as if I can be peaceful and be my true self that way. By any chance, I would be very happy and glad to meet people who are like me and are happy to be different than others.
Who or what inspires you?
I would say that many have inspired me for who I am today. I could make a good list to give dedication to them.
Youtubers that inspired me:
It's Black Friday
The Anime Man
Johnny Guilbert
Jordan Sweeto
Toxic Tears
ViZion InPitchThese are all I can think of.
I was also inspired by anime itself because there were tv shows that gave really good life lessons that stuck to me.
Also my family and friends inspired me to be myself and not let anyone else bring me down and stuff.
What does your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse think?
I believe that my boyfriend is really happy to have me and not care if I was different than any other girls out there. The reason why I said I believe is because we're in a long-distance relationship as he lives in Germany. So come to conclusion that yes, I'm in an interracial relationship. It sucks but I'm really surprised that we've been together for 6 years now!! I love him so much and I'm really happy that it was possible to happen as he makes me a very happy girl and I make him very happy to be with me!! (^ ^)
Who do you tag?
Anyone who is interested in doing the tag themselves!! Everyone can do it because I think it doesn't have to be black girls and any girl can do it too.
I hope you guys liked this tag and learned a bit about myself!!
Jesus I didn't think I would get a couple of votes already and a comment after posting this! XD thanks and much love for you guys!!
Alternative Black Girl Struggles/Outcomes/Etc
De TodoStuff that those who are classified as alternative deals with daily and outcomes of the classification.