Chapter One

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I let out a low breath as I skimmed over the book I was reading, laying on my bed curled up with my (f/c) sheets. 

"The girl smiled as she reached her hands up to touch the boys' face. Her hands caressed over the smooth skin, as she leaned closer, her eyes closing. Their faces grew closer as they leaned in, about to..."

"(Y/N)! You're gonna be late! Come on!" I heard my mom call from downstairs. I knocked twice on the wall to give her my answer, letting her know that I was on my way down. Closing the book, I stood up, pulling a (f/c) jacket over my long-sleeved (f/c) shirt, my ruffled jeans straightening out as I stood. Running downstairs, I smiled and waved to my mother.

"Good morning (Y/N)! Are you ready for your first day at Collegé François Dupont?" My mother smiled, bending down slightly to kiss me on the forehead. I nodded, giving her an 'Okay' sign with my hands. Sitting down at the table, I quickly scarfed down my pancakes and my orange juice. My mom giggled.

"Woah there tiger! Don't want you getting a tummy ache!" I let out a silent giggle. After putting my (f/c) shoes on, I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek before heading out.

"Be home by five!" My mom called out. I nodded in her direction, and began to run towards my new school.


I finally reached the front steps of the huge building.

Wow... I thought, staring up at it with my mouth agape. I started to walk up the steps, before I tripped over my feet. I couldn't let out a scream to let people know I was falling, so I braced for the impact of the hard concrete. It didn't come. Instead, I felt someone holding onto the fabric of my jacket. Looking back at my Saviour, I saw a  pile of fluffy blonde hair and shimmering emerald green eyes. The boy was smiling at me.

"You have to be careful! We don't want you tripping do we?" He explained. I shyly shook my head no. After standing straight again, the boy put out his hand for me to shake.

"Hi, I'm Adrien Agreste. You must be new here. What's your name?" I shook his hand and stared at him, not really sure about the next part of this greeting. I opened my mouth, but closed it again, since that was no use anyways. So I ended up just continuing to stare at Adrien. The boy tilted his head.

"You don't want to tell me?" I shook my head, before nodding, before shaking my head again. By now, Adrien was probably really confused. I opened my mouth and closed it again, before getting an idea. Looking around, I reached into my shoulder bag to find a small notepad and a pencil. Taking these things out, I quickly jotted something down, then showed it to the boy in front of me. He looked at the paper, then back up at me.

"Your name is (Y/N)? That's a cute name." He smiled. I blushed slightly. Then I remembered, class was about to start! Looking at my schedule, I showed Adrien and pointed at my first class, tapping quickly on the paper. Adrien glanced at my first class then smiled.

"You have all the same classes as me. C'mon!" And with that, he took my hand and we were off to the first class of today.


Standing at the front of the class, I shuffled my feet nervously below me. The teacher, Ms. Bustier, placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. Her name is (Y/n) (L/n) and she seems very happy to meet you all." I sighed in relief, thankful that she was talking for me. My mom had let the school know I was mute while she enrolled me, and I'm glad the teacher wasn't telling the students this. That is, until they started talking.

"Why isn't she talking? She can speak for herself can't she?" Said a boy in the back, with a red jacket and brown hair. My (e/c) eyes widened as I stared up at him, getting even more nervous as other students joined in.

"Why don't you talk?"

"Are you shy?"

"Are you scared?"

"Cmon, talk to us!"

I felt my heart beat faster. I wanted to answer them, I did. But.. I couldn't. So I just stood there and stared, nervously picking at my sleeves. Just then, a girl with blonde hair stood up and sneered.

"I think I know why she isn't talking. She's stupid! Retarded! And her voice is probably so ugly, she doesn't want us to hear it!" I felt tears well up in my eyes.  My first day of school, and people were already so mean. I couldn't whimper or sniffle, so I just ran out the classroom, sobbing silently. I heard the teacher yell; "Chloé!!" back in the classroom. That was probably the name of the girl. But I didn't care. I ran into a broom closet, shutting the door behind me and hiding behind some tall boxes. I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest, silently sniffling. No one would be able to hear me in here, me being unable to make any sound and all. I sat there and cried. I couldn't tell them I was mute. I didn't want to. They would only make fun of me. I don't know how long I was in there, but I slightly jumped at the sound of the closet door opening. I stayed still, breathing silently. I didn't want anyone to find me. I just wanted to be alone.

"Hello?" Came the male voice. He sounded familiar. But I stayed put. After a few seconds I thought he'd left, until I saw a pair of blue jean clad legs standing in front of me. I didn't bother to look up at the owner. Instead, he crouched down in front of me, trying to meet my eyes.

"(Y/n)?" I glanced up, my eyes meeting a pair of soft emerald green ones. I sniffled again, pulling my knees in tighter.

"It's me, Adrien. Remember?" I nodded. Of course I remembered. I just met him this morning. Adrien smiled softly.

"The whole class is looking for you. They've left the school and everything. I stayed though because I wanted to check the place some more. We're all worried about you (Y/n)." My eyes watered up again, as I slowly shook my head.

"You all laughed.." I thought. Adrien nodded.

"We are. They're all saying sorry. They didn't mean to hurt your feelings. They just wanted to know why you didn't speak. Don't worry, I'm not gonna ask either." I stared at him, sniffling and wiping my tears away with my sleeve. Grabbing my notepad, I wrote something down again.

"You won't?" Adrien read it and shook his head.

"I won't. It's your business. If you don't want to tell anyone, you don't have to. That's your secret." I blinked and wrote something down again.

"P-promise?" Adrien nodded.

"I promise." I felt the tears once again fill my eyes as I lunged forward, hugging the boy in front of me tightly. I buried my face into his shoulder and sobbed silently, my body slightly shaking. Adrien returned the hug, rubbing circles in my back. I felt warm in his arms. A warmth that I had never felt before. I wanted to say something. I couldn't of course. Breaking the hug, I flipped to a new page and wrote something else down. Adrien tilted his head, wondering what I was doing. I smiled and showed him the paper, causing him to smile too.

"Thank you."

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