Chapter Six

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~The next day~
I sat on the steps of the school, reading one of my favourite books. I didn't notice the presence looming behind me.

"Move out of the way, freak!" The snobby voice hissed from behind. Before I could look up and glare at Chloè, I felt a pressure on my back and lost all sense of gravity as I fell down the steps. My body slammed hard against the concrete with each step I fell down, and I couldn't let out any cries of pain. The last thing I saw before I blacked out, was my friends yelling my name, then my head slammed on the concrete.
Marinette's P.O.V
My eyes widened when I saw (Y/n) on the ground, her head beginning to bleed as her body twisted into an uncomfortable position. Adrien and I quickly ran over to her, shouting her name, while Alya, Nino, and just about everyone else fussed at Chloè.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!! Please, get up!" I cried, tears beginning to form. Adrien felt for her pulse.

"She's still alive, but she seems to be fading! Call an ambulance!" I was already one step ahead, pulling out my phone and quickly dialing 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"M-my friend! She fell down the stairs and she's unconscious!"

"What's your location? We'll have an ambulance headed your way immediately."

"Collège Français Dupont, please hurry!" After I hung up, I looked over at (Y/n), tears streaming down my face. Alya and I picked up all the things she dropped and placed them into her bag. Then we rushed over to her.

"(Y/n).. Please don't die.."
Third Person P.O.V
Flashing lights. Loud sirens. That's all anyone could hear as an ambulance came to take (Y/n) away. Adrien, Marinette, Alya, and Nino managed to hitch a ride as well, as they rode to the hospital. Nurses and doctors rushed around to get (Y/n) on a stretcher, and stabilize her breathing. As she was rushed into emergency care, the other four teens were made to stay in the waiting room. Adrien paced back and forth impatiently, biting his nails and running a hand through his hair. Mari pulled at her pigtails, and fidgeted with the hem of her overshirt. Alya repeatedly checked her phone, and Nino tapped his foot. After what seemed like millennia, a nurse finally came out to speak to the teens.

"You did great to call immediately. Your friend is in stable condition, though she did sustain a bad blow to the head. She'll be unconscious for at least a day or two." The nurse explained to them, and they all nodded in agreement.

"C-can we go see her now?" Alya asked, a stutter in her voice that no one's really ever heard.

"Not at the moment. We're still making some final checks. You four should head back to school, and maybe you can visit after." Marinette sighed, and they all nodded, thanking the nurse and heading back to school.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I could feel myself drifting in and out of consciousness. Voices floated about here and there, but I could never make out what they were saying. I tried calling out.


No answer. But.. Was that my voice? It sounded.. Stranger than I remember. Maybe a bit more shy. I don't know. I closed my eyes. (Did I? Are they already closed?) I continued to drift. Just then, I heard a familiar voice. For some reason, his voice broke through.

"Oh.. You're here.. Sorry I'm a little, off right now." I smiled. Well, not exactly. Though, the voice.. Could it be..?

Third Person P.O.V
The cool night air blew in through the open window of the hospital room. (Y/n) lay in the bed, breathing machine and all attached to the (h/c) haired girl. What brushed across her face was not wind, but the smooth claws of Chat Noir's suit, as he stared lovingly down at the girl.

"I accept your note (Y/n). Wake up soon, so you can hear my response." The leather clad hero stayed with her for a while, telling her stories of the bravest girl in the world. A girl who could make no sound, yet had the loudest voice in the world. A girl who could move others just with her presence, and left a trail of happiness in her wake. Soon, Chat had to go. But not before planting a small kiss on (Y/n)'s forehead. Then, the night was silent once more.

~The next day~
School had ended, and Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette were rushing to get to the hospital. They all ran up to the front desk, and Adrien stepped up.

"We're here to see (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)?" The lady at the desk smiled and clicked at some things on her computer.

"Ah yes, Miss (Y/n). You'll find her in Room 310." The four teens thanked her, then hurried over to the elevator. Marinette pressed the button for the third floor, and waited for it to go up. The ride seemed to take ages. When it finally reached their destination, they ran out and all the way to (Y/n)'s room. Once they got in, they saw her parents sitting in some chairs, their eyes red and puffy. Then their vision drifted over to their friend, laying in the hospital bed, hooked up to a few machines. Mari choked back a sob, and Adrien went forward and stood by the side of the bed.

"She'll be fine. I.. I know she will." He whispered. The teens stayed at the hospital for hours, making random conversation with (Y/n) with the hopes she could hear them. Soon, everyone left, one by one, including her parents. The last person there was Adrien. He brushed the (h/c) strands out of (Y/n)'s (s/c) face, a small smile on his lips.

"I'll tell you.. Just as soon as you wake up.." Then the model left, and the room was silent once again.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
My eyes slowly fluttered open as I regained consciousness. I looked about the dark room, my mind hazy.

"Where.. Where am I?" As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I realized I was in a hospital room. Soon I began to recall events from earlier, and groaned.

"Stupid Chloè.." Then I jumped, at the sound of someone entering the room. I lay still and closed my eyes, hoping they'd think I was asleep. The person was hovering over me, as I could feel their body heat against mine. I began to shake, what were they going to do? Kill me? Who were they?? My question was answered when they spoke.

"(Y/n)? Are you awake?... Of course not. Sorry." That voice, it was.. It was Chat. My eyes opened back up and I looked over at the leather clad hero. I slowly raised my hands, making soft clapping noises. Chat, who had been turned around at the time, looked back over at me.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! You're awake, thank goodness!" I smiled, blushing as he hugged me. Chat looked into eyes, his hands cupping my face.

"Don't ever do that again..." He whispered, placing his forehead against mine. I smiled as his fluffy hair brushed against my face. We sat like that for a while until he sat back up.

"Oh, and remember the note you gave me?" I blushed and nodded. Chat took a piece of paper out of his pocket and opened it up. I could distinguish it as the note I had given to him.

'I really like you..' It said. Chat's green eyes looked back up at me, as he smiled.

"I really like you too." My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat when he said that.

"He likes me... He-He likes me!" I smiled widely and hugged him tightly, eyes tearing up. Then, he did the unexpected. He kissed me. My eyes widened and my face flushed at least 50 shades of red. ((͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Sorry, continue on XD) After a second of shock, I melted into the kiss, my hands wringing their way into Chat's fluffy hair. Soon, we broke away, and I squeaked and covered my face. The hero chuckled and tilted my chin up.

"I love you (Y/n). I always will. Even if.." He paused, giving me a bright smile.

"I can't hear you."

And that's the end! To be honest this was how it was always going to end, but I ran out of plot and patience to make more chapters. I hope you enjoyed the story! Bien Jouè!

"I can't hear you.." Chat Noir X Mute!Reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now