Chapter Five

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I'm back guys! Sorry for the wait. Here's your update!


(Y/n): P.O.V

It's been a few months since I've attended Collegé François DuPont, and I've gotten pretty accustomed to everything. Also, Marinette and Alya teemed to have caught on to my crush on Chat. They tease me about it and I blush furiously, before retorting back with how they like Adrien and Nino. In the end, we all end up silent and blushing. Today I was in my room, reading a book as I lay on my bed. I was bundled up in my covers, as I tried to keep warm. The cold air and snow outside was pretty, as Paris was now covered in a blanket of white, but it was still freezing. I don't really like the cold. (Sorry if your OC likes cold weather.) As I continued to read on, I heard a knock on my balcony window. I looked up, brushing away the strand of (h/c) hair that fell in my face. I could clearly see the shivering figure on my balcony, clad in his black leather suit. I smiled, getting up and walking over to the glass doors to let Chat in. As I closed the door behind him, I turned around to see him crawling under my covers.

"Your bed is so warm (Y/n)..." He purred, curling up into a ball. I blushed, before crawling in next to him. Chat Noir instantly cuddled me, and I jumped slightly, before shivering from the cold touch of his leather suit. I smiled, grabbing my notepad and writing something sown for him.

"You're really cold kitty!" I smiled. Chat chuckled.

"Sorry bout that, I fell in a snow pile on my way here. So, whatcha up to (Y/n)?" I grabbed my book off the pillow and showed him, and watched as he smiled and looked at me, his green eyes shimmering. I blushed deeper, feeling my heart beat faster.

'Why can't I stay calm around him? Why must my heart beat so?' I thought, my (e/c) eyes scanning every detail of his face. He's so handsome. He's just... perfect. Our eyes were locked together. I didn't realise I was slowly moving closer to him until I noticed my hand grazing his face. I instantly gasped and jumped back in surprise, shoving my embarrassed face into my pillow.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" I heard the hero ask, hearing shuffling that signified he was moving closer to me. I nodded, not lifting my head from the soft pillow. I heard Chat chuckle, and I peeked up at him. He smiled down at me.

"You're so cute when you blush."

Chat's P.o.v
I smiled at (Y/n), feeling my face heat up as her cute face examined mine.
"What are you saying Chat? You love Ladybug!" I thought, scolding myself. But I honestly doubted it. The time that I've spent with (Y/n) has been great, even if I could never hear her voice. She was just so cute! She loved to spend time with me as I could tell, well, Chat Noir rather, but still. She was always just a bit flustered around me, but not so much. I've developed a crush on her. It's not like M'Lady will return my feelings anytime soon anyways. (Y/n) sat back up, her face slowly turning a deep red.

'Chat... I-I have to tell you something...' She wrote, and I tilted my head.

"Yes? What is it?" Before (Y/n) could finish writing whatever it was, we were both startled by a beeping sound. My ring.

"I've got to go (Y/n). My transformation will wear off soon." I signed. I didn't want to go, but I didn't want to reveal my identity either. (Y/n) looked at me panicked, quickly wrote the rest of what she was writing, and shoved it into my chest.

"Take it, read it when you get home.." She mouthed, and I nodded, before giving her a quick smile and heading out through her window. As soon as I landed in my room, my transformation wore off and I was back to normal Adrien. Plagg fell to the ground, whining. I signed and shook my head.

"You know where the cheese is Plagg, go get it." My kwami looked up at me with a feigned look of sadness, before speeding over to the drawer where I kept the Camembert. Just then, I rendered what (Y/n) gave me. Looking at it and reading her quickly scribbled note, I gasped and my face turned red.

(Y/n)s p.o.v
I did it, I actually did it! I hope he accepts it. Though, I guess it'd be fine if he doesn't. Though I hope he does.

Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is so short! I'm writing this at 2:47 AM and even though I say I don't, I'm getting tired. I'll try to put out more chapters for other stories too, but I think the next chapter will be the last. Thanks for readings story thus far!

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