Chapter Two

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Warning! This chapter contains slight sexual abuse. This is a bad thing, and you should never do it or be a part of it.

I sighed as I stared out the classroom window, daydreaming. Yesterday was pretty wild, for my first day of school. I could only think of how nice Adrien was to me, and how he became my friend. Speaking of friends, my eyes wandered over to three more people sitting in the front of the class. A girl with blue pigtails, a girl with long brown hair, and a boy with a red baseball cap. They were my friends as well. Their names were Marinette, Alya, and Nino. Marinette was a sweet and kind girl. She made me smile after inviting me over to her house after school yesterday to make some treats. She seemed to have a crush on Adrien as well, because she always blushed and stuttered whenever I brought him up. I hoped she would be able to confess to him one day. Next was Alya. She was really cool, and smart! She's always ready to catch whatever scoop she can find, especially if it's about Ladybug and Chat Noir, Paris' local superheroes. She was a great and honest friend, and would probably break someone's legs if you so much as looked at her the wrong way. Then there was Nino. He's really great at DJing music, and he's fun to be around. He's always willing to party, and help his friends in need. He and Adrien are really close buds.
Ah, Adrien. I sighed after thinking his name. He was the sweetest cinnamon roll I could ever meet. He's a famous fashion model, rich and everything, but he really just wants to be a normal kid. His father is really strict, and his mother is missing, so he can get really sad sometimes, but otherwise, he's nicer than the sweetest child I'd ever met. He's such a cinnamon roll. And completely oblivious to Marinette's crush on him. I ship those two so hard. Continuing to stare out the window, I eventually zoned out, entering the realm of my own thoughts. I began to think about what life would be like if I could speak. I'd be able to talk, sing, everything! But that wouldn't happen. Of course it wouldn't. I'm just poor old (Y/n), the girl with no voice. Blinking, I shook my head.

"Stop that (Y/n). You're over thinking bad about yourself." Once again I sighed, and my gaze focused back onto the window. I felt my eyelids getting heavy, as my eyes glazed over in thought. I was back into my world of dreams.


"(Y/n)! Wake up! (Y/n)!" My head immediately shot up off the desk, at the mention of my name. On instinct, I clapped in front of me, and startled everyone. It's something I learned from my mother, when I was young. She had said whenever I was startled, I could clap as loud as I can, and scare them too.

"Woah girl! Chill! It's just us!" Once my eyes focused on the people talking, I sighed and smiled. It was Alya, and Marinette. I waved hi and they laughed.

"School is over girl! Let's go! Mari said she wanted to show us this new snack that she learned how to bake!" Alya grinned, placing her hands on her hips. Marinette giggled and shyly scratched the back of her neck.

"Aha, It's just a few new-flavoured scones and some whipped cream crossaints.." She smiled. I patted my desk softly and smiled at her. 

"Great job!" I mouthed. Mari grinned at me.

"Thanks!" Next thing I knew, both girls had grabbed me by my arms, and we're now dragging me off to the Tom and Sabine Dupain bakery. As soon as we stepped through the doors, the sweet aroma of baked goods hit me like a bullet. This may be the second time I've been here, but I will never not get hit with this smell.

"Smells so good..." I thought, my mouth slightly beginning to drool. Marinette greeted her parents, and we all walked to the kitchen.

"Ok girls, here are some extra aprons, so let's get started!" Marinette beamed as she handed Alya and I some aprons. Alya had a black one with a white wifi logo on it, Marinette's closely resembled Ladybug, and mine.. Well, mine kinda resembled Chat Noir. It was black, with a light green paw print on the chest. I looked up at Mari once I put it on.

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