Let's See

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We talked about my dress.

With a sturn voice my sister said, "You need your dress altered." And I said... "I think so".


I'm a shy and awkward one that's for sure.

So she told our seamstress, "lookie here, my little sis needs her dress  fixed." Ok she didn't say it quite like that but she did tell her. So I went to my mom, grabbed her by the face and said, "I need my dress altered."

So tomorrow. 19 days until the wedding. The seamstress is going to look at my dress and SEE WHAT SHE CAN DO.

19 days until the wedding.

See what she can do.

I tried my dress on tonight.

Doesn't fit.

What did I expect?

So we talked. Once again this conversation made me want to curl up into a ball and die.

We talked about how to fix it.

Clearly losing weigh isn't going to work. I figure the easiest way to fix it would be to take out the zipper, add in some holes or whatever and make a corset back. Add a panel of whatever and boom; adjustable size for if I gain or lose weight closer to the date.

But my mother...

Oh my mother...

Bless her heart.

But no.

Her idea was to get a different dress similar to the bridesmaid dress.
Stay with me here.
Detatch the bottom half of the bridesmaid dress from the rest and attach it to the top of the... other dress.


Mom wut.


Is she stupid?

Seriously though.
The chances of finding a dress even in the same colour let alone the same style and look and shit is slim to none. Not to mention the fabric it's made of. Like dude.
It's... I don't even know what it is. It's that weird formal material that shines and shit. Good fucking luck finding anything remotely similar. She seems to think that's the easiest way to do it.



Creating a whole new dress to look exactly like the dress we already have just to make it a little bigger is... easier?



I'm waiting for the punchline.

But nonetheless, tomorrow I will run it by the seamstress, wait for the laugh track and then discuss realistic options.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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