Chapter 1

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Okay guys I'm pumped for this new book I hope the three people that actually read this like it ^~^

Victoria POV (3 years later)

I've moved to Australia, i live on a farm, everyone sees me as an old widow who goes to the markets to sell fresh produce which is amazing (thanks to my powers) but I've gotten the hang of it, well being human at first I kept trying to fly but realized humans don't do that unless in a plane. Humans are strange they drive around in car and do weird things, but I'm used to it and now I'm happy, but I miss her so much, every once in a while I teleport outside of the house she is staying at and watch over her as everyday before bed she prays, mostly begging for me to be at peace.

Which I am surprisingly, I've been able to get a few hours every night, I've been keeping my demon at bay. Long story short shifted into demon, set fire to house, bought another house and now if I shift into my demon I have weird black bat wings and my eyes go pitch red, which is apparently a cross roads demon and I can grant wishes for souls, cool

I missed her but she was happy now I could see it, she's safe.
I walked to my old phone and dialed Zac's mobile number, it stopped raining as I heard Zac tiredly "what?"
"This is agent fartmuscle, is this Zachary?" I mocked a stiff annoying voice but the thing that made me laugh he actually thought I was a real agent and started asking questions "dude it's me how is she?" He growled out something,
"She's fine you know that, anyway we have had some problems."

Shit I frowned and glanced at my watch "what do you mean?" I kept the phone to my ear as I started packing a backpack "well, a lot more mythical police are looking for you seen you tomb, they believe your dead but they want her" I froze "I'm coming to get her-"
"No stay there, she's safe but they're getting suspicious on why she just dropped out to come and get home schooled by people who has no relation to her."

I rubbed my face "well, I can go undercover and see what they have, because the mythical police are linked to the police so I can butter up someone and get her and mine file and erase everything on us."
I could tell he was nodding "uh yes, go do it I'm going to move houses to a- wait what if we go to alpha dickbag for help" I didn't say anything hut he heard my punch the wall "does that answer your question?"

"We have to that's the last place we have to go, I know but they'll suspect you would avoid it at all costs"

"I'll be there in a few hours I'll do the police I'll come there as Victoria's twin, which I never mentioned because she though I was dead, my name will be-"
"Oh cool so I'm a stripper?"
"No, it's a nice name"
"Blake, I'm going to be Blake"

He sighed defeated "never argue with a brick wall" I sing into the phone, hanging it up and putting everything I own into my back pack, thanks to a wizard near here, he gave me a backpack that pretty much never get full, just say what you want it pops out and as an extra accessory ", I can wear this as I fly, so it won't irritate my wings.

I arrived at the police station and walked in towards the front desk were I saw dale, head of chief, has a massive crush on me "miss, how can I help ya today?" His voice was very flirty "oh dale you know when I come here it's always illegal" I smiled slapping his shoulder "more files?" I nodded pretending to look embarrassed,
"Ah what's an good lookin' lady going through bad people files" I raised my brow "dale I'm not here to flirt remember? And I need a file on a Victoria and a Pearl?" He frowned "sorry darl, can't do that they're strictly off limits"

I huffed a sigh but I a lightbulb turned on "well, then I can't help you either" I used my fingers to walk up to his collar grabbing it and going onto my tippy toes to whisper in his ear "I'll make it worth your while"

Long story short, he let me get the files of us and I was able to delete every single file they had on us but the thing that confused me was that on them had that Pearl was an extremely important witness to a murder, aka me and was in witness protection with agent Cole, Zachary.

I quickly flipped out my phone and dialed his number "hello?"
"Agent cole? Really? I thought you said something was happening!" I stated angrily "yea, until that bullshit piled out. Is everything deleted?" I heard Pearl start talking to him about what shoes would be better destroying someone's skull? God I hope not "yea I've even burned the originals, I'm coming over" he started shouting but I hung up the phone.

"Hey honey, find anything worth your time?" I shook my head and sprinted out shifting into my normal looking self I turned around to see dale walking towards me "hey youngster have you seen-"
"The old lady? She went that way" I pointed towards a bridge "she said something about how she can rest in price knowing the criminal was murder, I asked her what she meant and she said a person killed her husband and the murderer was murdered" I shook my head "well bye sir!" I ran in behind a Trish and rocketed myself in the sky.

Feeling free was amazing until a buzz off a phone distracted me "hello?"
"WHERE ARE YOU?! WH-" the shouted turned into screaming then crying then laughing and then back to scream "hey calm down who is this?!" I shouted getting really confused.
"No this is Blake, I'm her twin" I frowned confused "who is this?"

"It's me Vic, Sammy"

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