Chapter 3

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Pearl's POV

It's been a few hours since we've been in these cells. I couldn't see anything except for one stream of light which made the darkness more threatening.
A few minutes passed but it felt like days but I kept here muttering from across me 'don't talk or they'll keep clipping' and then she'll start laughing whispering clip clip clip clip.

It was so scary here so I started singing carry or my way ward son, the song Victoria told me to sing when I was in trouble.

I was cut from my daze when I heard the door open and saw four guards walk in with glassed over eyes, I smirked when I remember I'm a friken mermaid so I felt the water in them and slammed them against the door causing them to pass out and break the wall were Dexter and Sassary (Zac) were causing them to look at me

"come on" I ran out the door but I caught a scent of Vic.

I sprinted following it to find the cell at the end of the hall, blood was dripping from her back onto her pretty dress staining it. She held her knees tightly to her chest rocking back and forth.

"Vic?" I whispered opening the door,
"No, she's dead" the girl whispered "I'm Blake, her twin" she whispered rocking back and forth singing quietly "they clipped my wings, I'm a caged animal"
She started laughing "roof roof, look I'm a dog! Teach me how to stay and beg! Make me an obedient animal!"

By now she was staring at me holding the bars "clip clip clip!" She shouted laughing rattling the bars back and forth. I realized her hands were melting on the bars

"Blake your hands!" I tried to pry her hand of but it kept hurting me "clip clip clip!" She shouted turning around that's when I noticed her wings had been clipped off.

"Oh no" I whispered, that's the most worst unimaginable pain in the world "Blake come here"
She slowly dragged herself towards me "come on I'm going to heal you"
She stepped away shaking her head "no! They'll clip them! Clip clip clip!" She screamed but she was just close enough for me to grab her,

"hold still" I started singing feeling the glow between my hand and her arm "no!" She screamed but I knew her wings were growing back.

"shhh" I whispered opening the door she had passed out and her wings were back to their full glory.

I gently sat her up and put my hand both sides of her head and went through her thoughts, that's when I saw everything.

She was Victoria's twin,

In fact it was Victoria!

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder walking back to where my cell was were I saw Zac and Dex fighting of guards,

"Fuck" I mutter to myself

Victoria's POV

I lay there limp on her shoulder, I couldn't deal with how bad I felt for lieing to her, but I still wasn't in the right mind to tell her but I knew by the look on her face she knew.

"Fuck" I heard her mutter I glanced into her mind to see that Zac and Dex were fighting, so

I jumped of her and ran straight towards them shouting grabbing a chain off the wall they used to drag people with I wrapped it around them and teleported into the middle of the deepest ocean where they struggled as they sunk.

I just stayed there.

Floating in the dark abyss where I saw a few lights from different fishes and shit.

But I didn't go back, I was too afraid.
Afraid of all the rage
That Pearl would feel if she found out so I let myself keep sinking but that when I realized I had a ball and chain on my foot causing me to sink faster.

I didn't want to fight but I had to! I knew I couldn't die but I know if I stay there the silver will eventually eat away my flesh and it's almost impossible to heal from a silver wound especially since half of my DNA says so.

I started kicking as hard as I could but I realized the people that I killed were dead, they're blood was surrounding me so I was defenseless.

I was stuck.

I kept fighting until I felt my whole body burning even my wings, that's when I started flapping my wings to try and at least get away from the dead mans blood.

It was no use! I stopped sinking. I looked down I saw that the bottom was there, everything was black except for the faint glow from my wings, which I have never known about, but then I remembered my bow.

I summoned my bow and everything around me shone, so I could see clearly.

That's when I saw the mermaids around me, and they were traditional mermaid, I knew this because of the tridents and no shirt with only their brightly colored hair covered

"it's a female majesty, should we save it?"

The leader, I assumed was the one with black hair with emerald green ends and a green tail, scales swirled around her arms and gripped her body and face , and her trident seemed to glow a green, he gills flared a bit like she sighed

"Why does she have wings like the seagulls?" One asked the same one that asked if I should be saved, she was the same except a pastel blue

"help me, just to the surface!" I tried to say by bubbles flew out of my mouth "ohhh should let her breath" green sparkles shot out of the trident and wrapped itself around me.

I felt water rush into my lungs but I could breath fine

"thank you, could you possibly get this off me?" I said pointing to the chain "what if you attack us?" I shook my head,
"I won't promise! Just help me get to the surface and I'll leave you alone!" The green one looked at the blue one,

"we will, if you come to our city and speak to the-"

"You idiot I am the queen, I will decide. Why do you have wings?"
I tightly tucked my wings behind me "because I'm an angel, can you let me go now?" The green one shook her head,
"Hmmmm how come your here?" I sighed,

"because I was captured and the people who captured me hurt my friends so I chained them up and teleported here without realizing I had silver chained to me" she frowned in confusion "silver burns me like fire" the green one came up to me and stared me in the eyes with her blazing green eyes "were they all males?" I thought for a moment and nodded,
"Does your friends know where you are?" I thought for a moment,

"no, they don't know I'm here at all" I stated "my name is Jenneva, but you'll call me mistress" I nodded slowly, slightly confused,

"now this will feel strange."

The same green sparkles flew around me, I felt this weird feeling all over my body then I felt my legs and then I realized what was happening, they were turning me into a mermaid.

"No!" I screamed kicking my legs but it felt like someone had a rope around them forcing them to form together, black dots danced in my vision "please" I whispered as everything went black.

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