Chapter 1 Sheen's Dream

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Sheen had the first dream and what else would he dream about other than Ultralord? Except, this dream was special...
           Sheen was flying in his spaceship when suddenly he crashed into a meteor! As he tumbled in space he thought he was a goner but luckily his trusted friend Ultralord was ready to rescue him. Ultralord took Sheen onto the ship where upon entering Sheen blacked out!
           Sheen finally woke up on a red velvety bed in a room filled with cushions on every space and had a door and a cabinet, which were both cushioned. Sheen got up but to his surprise he was in 0 gravity. He soared over to the cabinet and tried to open it but it was locked. Sheen was anxious to find out what was inside but he heard Ultralord down the hallway. Sheen quickly got back in bed and Ultralord walked in "Rise and shine sleeping beauty" he said in his playful yet masculine hunky voice. Sheen got up and ate breakfast with Ultralord but while they ate he couldn't help but notice the key hanging on his neck. He decided not to mention it.
               Later that day they went on a space walk during this Ultralord was hit by an asteroid and his key fell off and hit Sheen square in the face! Sheen quickly hid the key as to make sure he could keep it. Just as he expected he was able to unlock the drawer in his bedroom and found- Ultraman burst in " Sheen Don't your not ready!" Sheen stopped and said "I'm ready for anything!" Ultralord retorted " I could see it in your eyes earlier I suppose there's only one way too find out". Ultraman put his hand on Sheen's and together they opened the cabinet.
            Inside was an extra large condom, lube, and a towel. No words where exchanged just looks. Ultraman laid the towel out while Sheen slowly stripped. He took off his shirt exposing his popped nipples, he then took off his pants exposing his tighty whities. He kicked off his socks as Ultraman ripped off his suit exposing his warm slowly growing cock. Sheen shuddered with pleasure and covered himself with lube making him shine smooth and slippery. He rapidly fingered his tight ass while lying on the towel. Sheen licked all over Ultralord from his lips to his toes to his cock. Sheen got completely naked and plunged his fingers deeper inside himself.  Ultralord stood and motioned for Sheen to do his worst. He eagerly plunged Ultralord's cock into his mouth sucking and moving his head slowly tilting back and forth to get better angles. Ultralord then grabbed handcuffs from his suit and restrained Sheen on the bed with his ass in the air. He used his massive arms to push the twink's upper body deep into the bed as his throbbing cock plunged into Sheen and repeatedly plunged in and out. Sheen yelled "yes yes uh uh uh uh uuuuuuu o god yes fuuuuuuuck" over and over as Ultralord squirted more lube into the twink's ass. Ultralord grunted louder and louder Sheen busted a nut all over the bed sheets at the same time that Ultralord filled Sheen's ass with his seed.
                Sheen woke covered in his own fluids embarrassed he left the party.

just another day in the life of Jimmy neutronWhere stories live. Discover now