Chapter 4 Libby's dream

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Libby was lonely and lost when she thought she woke up. she watched her YouTube tutorial on how to tie a noose. She had had enough. Jimmy never noticed her. What had she done wrong. She was always so much nicer than Cindy. THAT'S IT she proclaimed. I'll kill her. Libby trained and prepared to execute this stupid bitch. She walked into Jimmy's house to find that Cindy was whoring herself out to Jimmy like usual, but oh no this was far from her usual. Libby ran and performed an amazing roadhouse rupturing Cindy's breast implants. Little did they know this was the storage of Cindy's soul. She promptly died. Libby laughed at that stupid bitch. "Stupid stanky hoe ass BITCH" exclaimed the young Afro-American female teen. Jimmy groveled at Libby's feet. But that wasn't enough. Libby wanted payback. She unleashed her strap on and Jimmy reluctantly stripped. While being like the little maggot twink that he is Libby poured hot liquid wax all over his ass crack. Jimmy squirmed and this Displeased Libby. "OBEY YOUR MISTRESS" she commanded as she throttled Jimmy around. Jimmy went limp as he spurted cum from his dick. Libby admired her work and then promptly sat on Jimmy's face forcing him to struggle for air. Wave after wave of orgasm crashed against Libby's insides as she moaned herself awake. She got up sopping wet hugged Jimmy and left.

just another day in the life of Jimmy neutronWhere stories live. Discover now