Chapter 4- Like a Dream

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We walked through the room greeting people non-stop and I swear that I have met most of the tallest people in my life then and there.

We stopped at Sid's stall and there was his gear bag on the floor and a brand new pens bag in the stall with a bow in top.

"This is for you."

My eyes lit up with gratitude and I hugged him to say thank you. He had the widest grin on, glad that I was happy.

"Open it, I think you will like most of the stuff in there."

I opened up the side pockets. And I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a pair of brand new skates.

He said "This was the help of Dana and coach Bylsma. They thought you would need skates so you can help on the ice with gear management so we don't have to come off the ice."

I was so amazed that I tried them on. They all laughed. The skates even had my name inscribed on the side. "How did you know my shoe size?" I said.

He said, "I asked Dana to take an estimate since he does all the skate equipment."

"Thank you!!!"

I didn't look in the rest if the bag because I was just happy with receiving the skates and the official pens gear bag.

Sid said "There's more".

I looked up into his hazel eyes in astonishment and couldn't believe that there was more. When I looked into the bag, there was a lot of pens gear that consisted of jackets with my name on the sides and front, shorts that were Nike with pens colours, hats, jerseys, and t-shirts.

Coach Bylsma came over and said

"These things you can wear during work here. And while your here, throwout any other hockey team stuff." He was joking but serious at the same time.

I responded "I wouldn't need to, because I have only supported the penguins".

He seemed to like that answer. After I closed up the bag I put my old clothes in the bag and went over next to Sid.

"Ready to go?" He said. I offered that I could take the bus home. He said "Don't be silly, we live on the same street."


So we grabbed our bags and said goodbye to everyone and headed out of the penguins gate. He stopped and told me that it might get a bit hectic again. I was confused because the game was done and it was already midnight.

He saw the confusion on my face and answered, "fans would stay out all night to see us or to get an autograph."

I was amazed at how dedicated they are. Even for me, I would have just watched the game and went home. "Don't worry I have you." He smirked his sexy grin that can have anyone melt into a pool.

That made me feel more secure. As the gates opened, he grasped my waist a little tighter and in front of me, all I could see we're flashes and security fighting against the crowds. They made a pathway for us to get to Sids car but I couldn't see anything.

He put his sunglasses on me and started to walk. We both ducked our heads under our hats to get away from the bright flashes. He always wore his after games hat, that always consisted of a sweat line which most people think would be disgusting but it shows hard work being paid off.

He opened the passenger door to his range rover and helped me get in the car. He took my bags and put it in the back of the car and shut my passenger door.

I sat there staring in front of me, taking in the silence in the car. I was basically taking in all that happened that day. I turned my head when I heard the drivers door shut and he said, "ready to go?", as if he already knew the answer.

He turned the car on and waited for security to move the fans out of the way. I asked, "Is it always like this?" "Yeah, but you get used to it."

I sat there trying to understand how you could possibly be used this. I was taken out of my daze when he grabbed my hand and held it on top of the elbow rest. I missed the warmth of this hands in mine.

Once we exited the gate, we were set for our journey home which was only 15 minutes away. He suddenly asked 10 minutes into the trip, "So what time do you have to go in?" "I think at 7:30." I said.

"That's early."

"What time do you go in?"

He said,"Since it's a practice day, we go in at around 9-10". I responded, "lucky" with a frown.

We turned on to our street and he asked, "What house are you at?" I explained that I was three houses down from his.

First I had to count how many there was in between, so that was a little embarrassing.

He said with a smile,"Your basically my neighbour."

I said,"Sort of."

We pulled up to my house which was not a mansion like Lemieux's but wasn't small either. I liked it enough to buy it.

We drove up and parked at my house.

"I would offer to let you come in but it's really messy, and isn't fit for company."

He said," maybe next time" With a wink.

He got out of his door and got my bags while I struggled to get down from my own seat. Once I closed the door and turned around, he surprised me with a kiss on the lips, and it shocks me every time. I dropped my purse to go on my tiptoes when I accidentally fumbled forward into him.

We both moved backward towards the car. I looked down in embarrassment, but he took his hand and held up my chin and lightly pecked me on the lips.

"Goodnight Lexi, I'll pick you up at 7."

I was about to say something when he said, "You don't expect me to make you walk all the way to Consol."

I responded with "I wasn't going to walk."

He said, "You don't have a car, how were you going to get there?"

"I was going to bike."

He smirked and gave me a quick kiss goodnight and walked me to my front door.

I unlocked the door and waited until he walked back to his car and went home safely. I told myself, if he looked back, then this is real.

Before he reached his car, he looked back at me and yelled, "7 am okay?" "See you then!"

I quickly shut the door behind me and locked it. I put the back of my head against the wall and slid down. Thinking to myself, what a day. I got up remembering that I haven't fed Troy yet! Troy is my Boston terrier that I love and cherish. Once I fed him, I went straight upstairs and set my bag on my bed. I started searching through what I was going to wear for tomorrow.

I found some cute pittsburgh penguins yoga pants with a boot cut and a pair that were calve length and skinny, that would look super cute with a hockey t-shirt, reebok jacket, a penguins hat, and lanyard.

I set my whole outfit on the chair next to my bed and I got ready for bed. I brushed my teeth, did my hair, took off my make-up, and jumped into my pajamas. After this exciting day, I stared at the ceiling and dozed right off to sleep. when I close my eyes all I could think about was Sid.

This was a major sign, that my feelings towards him are going to be true and strong. I will just have to see what the future will hold. By that I mean tomorrow.

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