Why do I care?

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Why do I care when it isn't appreciated?
People come to me with their problems,
And look for my kind words.
Yet, they forget me as if I never helped them.
When I feel alone,
Who do I turn for comfort?
I'll make time for others but it seems the favor is not returned.
Sometimes I wonder: why am I so nice?
I could easily be cruel and focus on my own life.
But that's what makes me different as I've realized.
I love getting the satisfaction from mending broken hearts.
Hearing: "You've really helped me," pumps me up.
A quality that proves to be a double edge trait.
It is the goodness within that lets me overlook the negatives away.
But one thing I've come to know.
"Many have wasted their lives in trying to please the other crowd."
I won't be amongst them since I too have a life.
All I can do is try to help and that is enough for me.

  Author's note
Sometimes I feel we try to help others but we feel as if we've been forsaken ourselves. Be helpful but keep it to a limit. We all have lives to focus on and that is selfishness. We can't try to better others lives while running our own. Anyway if u liked it: comment, vote, follow, share.


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