Chapter 2

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Welp. I have to go to school today. I begged mom not to take me to school today. She said I had to take the bus or walk. Stan told me him and his friends all meet up at the bus stop. I guess I'll ask him where everything is. Might as well get dressed. 20 minutes later I was out the door and on my way to the bus stop. Yesterday while I was asleep mom got me a black and red chullo hat and matching gloves. The left glove was black while the right was red. My backpack was dark blue. One of my favorite colors. While I was walking I noticed that Someone was calling my name. I turn around and see Stan running towards me. By the time he reached me he was already out of breath. "Can you show me where the bus stop is and everything else?" I asked him. He just nodded his head while panting. " Ok! Let's go now!" I yelled at him. We started walked to the bus stop when he stopped walking. "What is is Stan?" I asked. He just shushed me to quiet. We both heard footsteps getting louder and louder. I grabbed my knife that I always keep with me at all times out. I pushed Stan behind me so I could keep him safe. I growled like a dog ready to attack loud enough that anyone near us could hear. "Who the fuck are you!?" I demanded. I turned around to continue walking to the bus stop when the color in Stan's face drained. "RUN!!' He screamed at me. I just ran until I saw Cartman, Kyle , and Kenny in the distance. I turned around to see Stan wasn't following me anymore. I ran back to see Stan on the ground with a bloody nose and someone beating his ass up. No one fucks with family! Especially mine! "Hey dipfuck!" I screamed at the mystery person. He looked like a guy. Yep. Definitely a guy. He looked up at me. He looked like he was in his late 40s. He smiled at me showing rows of yellow teeth. "Well ,well ,well if it isn't little Luna." He said in a raspy voice. I froze. That's one of the government people who tried to take me away. I can't remember his name though. "What the fuck do you want from me?!" I yelled at him. "You." He said smiling sadistically at me. "Not without a fight douchebag!" I yelled as I grabbed my knife. "So be it." He said with a shrug while getting up from the ground. I mouthed to Stan 'Run and get help'. He understood so he quietly got up and tried to run to his house. "Try me bitch." I said as I got the first punch on him. He stumbled back a little bit. "Fiesty bitch aren't 'cha?" He told me. I kicked him in his balls and he dropped to the ground. He tried to swing a punch at me left and right but I dodged them all except the last one which was a blow to the stomach. I grabbed my stomach in pain and I fell down to the sidewalk. "Finally." He said. I heard Stan yelled my name in the distance. I looked up to see My mom, Stan Cartman, Kyle, and Kenny. I weakly smiled knowing that they will be there for me. I think about Lily and what would happen if she got caught. I suddenly found all my strength and got up and legit tackled this bitch. He was taken by surprise but who wouldn't be. A person who you just punched weak on the the floor and all of a sudden they just get up feeling a lot stronger than before. I kept punching him left and right until he looked like he was unconscious. The cops came and when I saw them I gave a small nod and walked away. I walked towards Stan and mom and gave them a hug. "Are you alright sweetie?" She asked me softly. "Yeah I'm fine." I said as I looked her in the eye. "Can I just stay home today mom?" I asked her. "Ok but you have to go tomorrow." She told me. "Can I go to Stan's house?" She nodded and gave me a small smile. "You guys just wanna stay home with us?" I asked Kenny, Cartman, and Kyle. They all nodded their heads yes. "Well go to my house. My mom's not there." Cartman told us. We all nodded our heads and started walking to Cartman's house. "What are we gonna do all day guys?" I asked turning towards them. "We'll probably use my x-box, go to Starks Pond and we'll see what we do next after that." Cartman said as we walked up to his room. "Truth or dare guys?" I asked grinning evily again. No one saw me grinning. Good. "Sure!" They all said. "Ok Luna! Truth or dare?" Kyle asked me. "Dare!" I yelled back. "I dare you to sing a song so we know if you can really sing!" Kyle told me with a grin on his face. My face paled. That's why we moved here! To get away from that! But these guys are my friends! I can trust them! Right? Fuck it! I trust them. I took a deep breath in. "Ok." I said without looking up. "What song?" I asked them. "Any." Kyle said. What song? What song? Oh! Got it! I'll sing Imaginary by Evanescence. It's an easy song for me to sing. "Ok. But I can't wait to see your reactions!" I told them. I cleared my throat and began to sing.

Ohhh Ohhh paper flowers. ohhh Ohhh paper flowers
I linger in the doorway. Of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name. Let me stay!  Where the wind will whisper to me. Where the raindrops as there falling tell a story. In my field of paper flowers (flowers) and candy clouds of lullaby (flowers) I lie inside myself for hours. And watch h my purple sky fly over me. Don't say I'm out of touch! This rampant choas your reality. I  know well what lies behind my sleeping refuge. The nightmare I built my own world to escape. In my field of paper flowers (Flowers) I lie inside myself for hours. And watch my purple sky fly over me. Swallowed up in the sound of my screamimg. Can not cease for the fear of silent nights. Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming. The  goddess of Imaginary light. In my field of paper flowers (Flowers) And candy clouds of lullaby. (Flowers) Iie inside myself for hours. And watch my purple sky fly over me. Ohhhhh ohhhhh paper flowers. Ohhhhh ohhhhh paper flowers!"

I finished the song and they all just looked at me like with their mouths open. It was silent for a few seconds until they all just started cheering for me. " HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU NOT WANT TO SING LUNA?! YOU HAVE AN AMAZING VOICE!" Kyle yelled in my face with a big ass grin on his face. "I knew you would be able to sing again Luna." Stan told me with a smile. "How do you know Stan?" I asked a little worried. I could put him through a lot of danger just by having him know this! Does he even remember what happed earlier! "Only you guys can know." My voice barely above a whisper. "What do you mean Luna?" Kyle asked. "Government people have been hunting me down because of my singing voice. Remember what happened with Stan this morning?" I asked them. The three boys just nodded their heads. "That's because he was just trying to protect me." I told them. "Does anyone know the time?" I asked them. "11:29" Kyle said taking out his phone. "You guys wanna go to Tweek Bros?" I asked them. They just nodded their heads. We got our stuff and headed to Tweek Bros.

*Time skip to Tweek Bros*

When we got there there was only Tweek and three other boys I didn't know. One boy in a blue chullo hat flipped me off. I flipped him of with both my fingers and mouthed to him 'fuck you'. He gave me a small smile. Stan saw them and we walked over to their table. "Hey guys! Meet my cousin Luna!" Stan said introducing me to these guys. "Hi." I said with a smile. "Hey beautiful. I'm Clyde Donovan." He said with a wink. "Your flirts don't work on me dude." I told them. They looked at me kind of surprised. "What?" I asked confused. Did I say something? "Most girls don't act like you. You're different." Clyde said. I gave him that really dude face.
"No shit Sherlock." "Yeah yeah whatever Watson." Clyde said. " "H-hey L-l-luna." Tweek said. "Hi Tweek." I said smiling towards him. "So who are you two?" I asked pointing to the African American male and the boy in the blue chullo hat. "I'm Token Black." He said. "Cool. I'm Luna." I said with a smile. "And This bitch over here?" I asked gesturing to the boy im the Chullo hat. "Craig." Someone said in a nasally voice. Then I realized he just spoke. "Luna." I told him while I looked him straight in the eyes. A faint blush spread across his cheeks. I don't think anyone else saw that. I gave him a small smile. "Right Luna? Luna? LUNA?" Kyle yelled at me. "The fuck? What!" I yelled at him confused. "I was asking you if we should all head to Cartman's house." He told me. "Sure." I said as we all walked out of the store. "What were you staring at Luna?" Clyde asked. Kenny said something and everyone laughed while Craig blushed. "What the hell did you say Corndick?" I asked him. "He said You were probably staring at Craig and he was starting back because he wanted to give you a good fuck." Kyle told me while laughing. I looked at Craig to see he looked me in the eye and blushed and looked away quickly. He looks cute when he blushs I thought. Can I really be falling for him already? He probably has a girlfriend. Besides who would want ME as a girlfriend? Probably someone not like Craig. I got snapped out of my thoughts when someone's hand waved in my face. "Earth to Luna." Stan said. "Yeah?" I asked trying to sound normal. It worked. When we got inside Cartman's mom was still not there. By the time they guys had to leave I had gotten all the guys numbers so I could talk with them. Better get home to mom I guess.

*Time skip to night*

When I was ready for bed I heard my phone go off which ment I had gotten a text. I checked my phone to see I had gotten a text from Craig.
C:Nite Luna
L: Nite dood
He then sent me another text. ~Sweet dreams. Aww! How cute! I better go to sleep. I have to go to school tomorrow anyways. At least I get to see Craig again. I thought. 5 minutes later I fell asleep.

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