Chapter 5

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A/N at the bottom of this. You can read it if you want or you can just skip it like I do.

Craig and I walked in holding hands. Everybody stared at us but mainly at me and started whispering things like skank, wow I didn't know she was a hoe. Bitch! and I was gonna ask him out today! Bebe stormed over to me cussing me out saying me and my friends are gonna get you back! And all that shit. She swung a punch at me and that's when I snapped. I looked at her and smiled evilly. All the color drained from her face and even her make up couldn't cover that up. I kicked the heel off of her pumps which made her face plant onto the floor. I started laughing at her when all of a sudden I felt another punch collide with my cheek. I looked at the person who hit me and saw that it was Wendy. I kicked her in her stomach and she feel back onto her fake ass and she burst into tears ruining her make up. Stan went up to her and held her close while she cried into his shoulder. He death glared at me but I'll talk to him later. I saw that Wendy and Bebe's other friends were smart and didn't try to piss me off. I walked I front of them at stared at them while they all trembled in fear. "Smart choice deciding not to piss me off." I told them bluntly as the bell rang. I grabbed my back pack (which I dropped on the ground when Bebe threw the first punch) and walked to class with Craig who had his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. We walked into class and saw that Wendy and Bebe weren't in class and that their little group of friends were still scared of me. I sat down and began talking to Craig until the teacher came.

*Time skip to lunch*

I sat down with Craig and the guys while eating my lunch and talking about random shit with the guys. All of a sudden I feel a cold liquid run down my back and on my hair and I turn around and see Bebe at me smirking while she continues to pour the rest of her milk on me. When she's done the whole cafeteria goes silent. Bebe's little group of friends laugh at me but the rest cafeteria still remains silent. I got up slowly and walked up to Bebe and her group of friends and stared at them. They all trembled in fear as if I was gonna slowly torture them all in the worst way possible. Bebe was smirking like I wasn't gonna do anything. "Do something already Luna! Unless you're scared~!" She started teasing me saying I was scared of her. "Why would I be scared of you?" I scoffed. "Because you finally realize that I'm better at you in everything!" She yelled obviously getting angry at me. "Are you sure about that Bebe Stevens?" "Damn right Luna Savage!" She yelled as she started walking closer to me. "You gonna try and fight me hoe?" I asked as I walked up to her with no fear in my voice or expression on my face. She backed up a little bit and grabbed Pip to try and use him as a shield if I hit her. I cocked an eyebrow at her as she laughed nervously. "Funny how you say you ain't afraid to fight yet your bitch ass be tryin' to use other people as shields! If you really weren't afraid of me than you would actually TRY instead of SAYING you're gonna try and beat me ass! Like bitch no! Go ahead and try and fight me hoe! I'll give you the first punch." I told her as I moved my arms out the way in order for her to get a good clean hit at my stomach. She tried to punch my stomach but I caught her hand like a fucking boss before she could actually (666) hit my stomach. She looked at me while all the color drained from her face once again. I pulled her hair and pushed her on the ground while she sat on her ass crying like a little bitch. I crouched down to her level and looked at her and laughed at her while she cried ruining her make up just like Wendy. "You gonna try and fight me now?" I asked as she started to cry even more. "What the hell Luna?!" Someone yelled. I turned around and saw an angry looking Kyle who was about to strangle me to death any second. "What?" "Don't 'what' me Luna! I saw what you did!" He yelled at me as he got hella close up in my face. "Kyle." I began calmly. "I ain't gonna fight 'chu. You one of my closest friends and I ain't gonna kick your ass. You got me?" I told him as I looked into his eyes for an answer. Still pure angriness. I felt a fist connect with my cheek and that's when shit went down. Everything went by in a blur. I remember me hitting Kyle and people holding me back and screaming and chanting. Clyde and Craig held me back while Stan held back Kyle. "Fuck this I'm leaving." I told them as I pushed Clyde and Craig off me. I walked out of the school and to Starks Pond to calm me down. I don't know what I was gonna do over there but I was gonna calm myself down before I get myself into more shit.

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