Chapter 3

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" Luna sweetie. Wake up." A soft voice said while gently shaking me. "Fine we'll do this the hard way." She said as she walked out of my room. I heard footsteps coming upstairs. " Kyle I think I have a crush on someone." Lily read out loud. " IM AWAKE! I'M FUCKING AWAKE!" I yelled as I sprang out of bed and dived for my phone. "She's awake mommy!" Lily yelled as she walked downstairs. Might as well get dressed. At least I'll be able to see everyone today again! And Craig~. No! Stop it Luna! He probably already has a girlfriend! Whatever. Just get dressed me. I thought. "Luna! Im taking Lily to school! Your walking!" Ugh. I'm walking. Better finish getting ready. 15 minutes later I was walking with Stan to the bus stop. "Are you ok Luna? About what happened yesterday?" He asked looking towards me. "Yeah I'm fine Stan." I said as I turned to him and gave him a  smile. "Are we almost there dude?" I asked him. "Yeah almost there." He told me. "Good." The guys came into view so I jogged up to them. "Hey guys." I told them. "Hey Luna." The all said in unison. Even though Kenny's voice was muffled I could still understand him. "You excited for your first day Luna?" Kyle asked turning to me. "A little nervous but other then that I'm good!" I said happily with a smile. "Good." Kyle said ruffling my hair. I playfully glared at him. "What was that for Ky?" I asked him. He cocked an eyebrow. "Ky?" He asked. "Aye! The bus is here!' Cartman yelled at us. "Stan can I sit next to you?" I asked him. "Stan! Come sit next to me!" A girl with a lot of make up and she dressed kinda slutty. When I looked at her she was giving me a death glare. "Who are you?" She asked stepping to me. "I'm his cousin and I don't take other girls boyfriend's." She looked at me then back at Stan. "Is she actually your cousin Stan?" She asked. "Yeah she's my cousin Wendy." Stan told her. "Okay. I trust you Stan." Wendy said. "Hurry up and sit your asses down!" "Sorry Ms. Crabtree!" Stan yelled. "I'll just go sit with Kyle." I said. "Kyle!" I yelled. "Fuck it I'll just sit here." I said sitting  in the nearest seat. I grabbed my phone and put my ear buds in and started listening to Origin Imaginary. When the song ended the bus stopped and the bus driver yelled at us to get off her bus. "Stan!" I yelled looking for his blue hat. I saw it in the distance so I ran up to him and poked his arm. When he turned around I realized that this wasn't Stan. It was Craig. "Hey Craig can you take me to the office to get my schedule?" I asked him. "Craig! Babe? Who's this bitch?!" Some blonde asked. "Apparently you whore." I told her camly. She gasped and started yelling at me. "Listen bitch. I just came here to Craig to ask him if he could take me to the office to get my schedule skank!" I yelled at her. She tried to punch me but I dodged it. "Try me bitch!" I yelled at her as I pushed her down to the ground. "Remember one thing." I said as I bent down to her level and I whispered one thing in her ear. "Luna." "Craig can you still take me to the office?" I asked as I stood up. He kinda just stood there for a few seconds and he said let's go. "Who was that?" I asked him. "My girlfriend." He told me. "I know asshole. I mean her name." I told him punching him lighty in the shoulder. "Her name is Bebe Stevens." Wow. I wonder what her mom and dad are like. "Luna!" Craig yelled waving his hand in front of my face. "What is it?" I yelled confused. "What are you thinking about Luna?" He asked. "Just wondering what my classes are like." I told him. I was usually good at lying. He bought it. Alright. We walked to the office and I got my schedule. "Who do you have?" He asked. "Ms. Chokesondik. You have her?" "Yep. I'll take you there." We walked to her class and I walked in beside Craig. Some of the girls were death glaring at me. Again. "Oh are you the new student? Luna?" She asked a little sleepily. "Yep"  I said popping the p. "Well Just go sit next to Craig I guess since you already know him." She told me. I heard the girls whispering things like She's gonna ruin our chances with him! And Wow! What a slut! I hope Bebe's still gonna be with with Craig and if she isn't I'm SO gonna see if I can get him to date me! Even though I do have a crush on him, he'd NEVER go out with me! "Luna! You zoned out again!" Craig said waving his hand in my face. "Sorry dude!"

       *time skip to lunch!*   

I walked to the girls bathroom after class and told Craig I'd meet him in the cafeteria. "Hey! Luna right?" "Oh hey Heidi! What 'chu need?" "Follow me real quick! I want to show you something cool!" Something is up. I guess I'll get my knife in my hands just in case. "Ok! Lead the way!" I told her faking a smile. I swear if this bitch does anything I'll fucking kick her ass. She brought me to the back of the school. Welp. Guess I'll kick her ass then. All the other girls my class came out behind a tree and from other places except the bushes (Because they'll probably get their slutty clothes dirty.)  "What the fuck do y'all want?!" I yelled at them growling. "Listen bitch! Stay away from my BOYFRIEND before you get what's coming to you!" She yelled getting all up in my face. I just began laughing. They all looked at weirdly. "What the hell's so funny?!" Bebe yelled at me. "You threatening me is what's funny!" I yelled while grabbing my stomach from laughing. "Well see if you're still laughing when we give you an ass beating." She yelled trying to punch me again. But I moved out of the way and she hit the wall (my back was pressed up against the wall)  She screamed in pain. "Get this bitch!" She yelled and went inside the school. Most likely the nurses office because her knuckles were bleeding. I grabbed out my knife and waved it in front of their faces. "You still gonna try and kick my ass now?" I asked them all. They all looked at each other, nodded and ran away. What time is it? I asked myself. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and it said it was 12:17. Still have enough time to eat. Lunch ends at 12:30. When I got my food I sat in between Craig and Clyde. They looked at me weirdly. "What?" I asked them taking a bite of my pizza. "Dude where were you?" Token asked. "Taking care of something." I told them. "What exactly where you taking care of?" Clyde asked. "Something. Don't worry about dude." I told them giving them a 'you don't gotta worry about it' smile. "Ok. If you say so." Clyde, Token, and Tweek said. Craig looked like he wasn't sure if I was lying or not. I put a hand on his shoulder and said "Dude. It's fine. Chill." He relaxed a little. The bell rang signaling that lunch was over. Guess I'll just have to go through the rest of the day.

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