Chapter 4

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When I walked into school today everyone was looking at me weirdly. They where all whispering to each other and I heard stuff like skank, whore,slut all that shit. I quickly scan the hallways and try to find Kyle. When I do find him I ask him what the fuck is going on. He looked at me surprised. "You didn't hear?" He asked. I shook my head. "Is it a rumor?" He nodded his head." Is it bad?"I ask a little nervous. He slightly nodded his head. "What's the rumor?" "People are saying you fucked Clyde and got with Craig in order to get closer to Clyde." He told me. I was a little shocked myself. "Where did you hear this from?" "I heard Heidi Turner talking about it by the girls bathroom with her group of slutty friends." "Thanks Kyle! And which bathroom?" "The one by Mr. Garrison's class!" "Thanks Kyle!" "No problem Luna!" I said as I walked to the bathroom. I didn't walk in. I was just eavesdropping on their conversion. "Did you spread the rumor?" "Yeah." "Do you think she heard about it yet?" "I doubt it." "Well that should keep Luna off my man!" "The fuck do you mean? He's mine!" "Yeah right skank! He's definitely mine!" I left before anything else could happen. When I left I ran into something and almost fell. "Watch it-" I couldn't finish because when I looked up a pair of icey blue eyes looked back at me. "Hey Craig." I said while smiling at him. He didn't smile back. Oh shit! He heard the rumor! "Hey Luna. Did you hear rumor going around about you and Clyde?" "Yeah I did and it's not true."" How do I know your not lying?" "If I was lying I wouldn't have dome this." "Done wh-" He didn't finish Because my lips crashed into his. He put his arms around my waist and put mine around his neck. We had to pull away because of this bastard named oxygen. I stared into his icey blue eyes that I had come to love while he stared into my chocolatey brown eyes. "Still believe that rumor now?" "My house. Let's go." "I'm fine with going to your house but can we go to Starks Pond first?" "Why?" "I fucking love it there." " Fine by me." "Yay!" Suddenly I got my hair pulled back and I fell to the floor. I growled grabbing my knife out. I looked up to see Heidi and Bebe. "Craig!! How could you cheat on me with this slut?!" "First of all I ain't a slut like 'chu and he was gonna break up with 'cho fake ass anyway! Besides 'chu already cheated on him anyways bitch!" I yelled at her. She gasped and stormed away. "You still got me 'Savage'." Heidi said. She got up real close in my face. "You'll NEVER be as good as a girlfriend to him then I was slut!" "Says the girl that cheated on Cartman wit' Kenny!" Cartman just stood there shocked. She just scoffed. "Yeah and what are you gonna do about it hoe?" She asked mockingly. "This." I said as I swung a punch aiming for her 'pretty' face. She just cupped her check where I hit her with tears streaming down her face, ruining her make up. "You finally put that bitch in her place!" Aeriel said. Aeriel was a popular girl but she wasn't 2 faced, she actually hung out with guys, she didn't really hang out with the girls except Wendy and she tolerated me. She was popular because she was an AMAZING artist and she was Clyde's sister. "Thanks Aeriel." "Who was that hoe dating again? I lost track." "She's dating my brother." She grumbled. "I feel bad for you dude." "Tell me bro." "I hope that hoe doesn't get Clyde on me or change the story or some shit like that." "Same bro, same." "If she does change the story and Clyde believes her and he wants to fight me can I fight him?" "Yeah just don't hurt him to badly though." "A'iet bro." "Just lettin' 'chu know bro." "Thanks dude. 'Preciate it." I said as I walked off and I headed to my 4th period class. Time to get through the rest of the day.

*Time skip to end of the day!*

"Luna Savage please come to the principal's office. I repeat Luna Savage please come to the principal's office." The thing on the intercom said. The fuck did I do?! I groaned because I was about to head home. I see Craig standing in the bus line about to head home but before he could leave I called him over. "The fuck do you want?" He asked. "I did something and they want me at the office." I told him. "Ok. I'll wait for you." He said as we walked back inside. I walked into the principal's office. "Why did you call me here?" I asked a hint of annoyance in my voice. "We completely discourage bullying Luna." PC principal said. "What do you mean by bullying?" "Heidi walked in and told me you were calling her name's and bullying her and her friends and that you beat up her and Bebe when Bebe said something that offended you." He told me. I sat there shocked. That little lying SKANK! "You know your going to get detention." "No I'm not." "Why not?" "Tell Heidi and Bebe not to talk shit to me then." "LANGUAGE MS. SAVAGE!" "FUCK, SHIT, PENIS, COCK, DICK, SLUT, SKANK, CUNT, VAGINA, PUSSY, ASSHOLE, DIPFUCK!" I yelled. He looked like was going to fucking explode! Like for real! His face was red, he has his teeth clenched and all that shit! "ONE MONTH DETENTION!" "NO! LOOK AT THE DAMN CAMERAS BLIND ASS!" He went to the security room and checked the cameras. "Add the audio." I told him. Be watched the video. "You all will get detention for a week for cussing out each other." "Fine by me." "You may now go Ms. Savage." When I walked out. Craig was there and he was - Wait? WHAT THE FUCK?!?! WHY THE FUCK IS CRAIG KISSING FUCKING BEBE?!?! Bebe saw me and smirked. "Well Luna. I guess Craig still has feelings for me." She said. I turned to Craig. "Is this true?" I asked him hearing the hurt in my voice. He just sighed. "Yes." He said while looking down. I just scoffed. "It was real fucking funny of me to think that you were different from all these other guys." I said while walking away.

Craig P.O.V (finally a pov change!)

I hated lying to Luna. But it was the only way to keep her safe. "So Craig babe! What do you wanna do?" She asked me sudectively.(that how u spell it?) "Nothing. I just wanna be alone right now." I told her sadly. "Ok! See you tomorrow babe!" She yelled as she kissed my cheek. I gagged. She sighed dreamily. "Aww! Just like Stan and Wendy!" "Yeah and that's why I'll break up with you tomorrow." I muttered. She turned around. "Did you say anything?" "No." She just smiled. "Ok!" She said. I ran out of the school and ran to Starks Pond. I knew Luna would be there. I saw her sitting on the bench about to sing. I hid behind a tree and listen to her sing with that angelic voice of hers :

Perfect by nature
Icons of self indulgence
Just want we all need
More lies about a world that
Never was and never will be
Have you no shame
Don't you see me
You know you've got everybody fooled
Look here she comes now
Now down and stare in wonder
Oh how we love you
No flaws when your pretending
But now I know she never was and never will be
You don't know how you betrayed me
And some how you've got
Everybody fooled
Without the mask
Where will you hide
Can't find yourself
Lost in your lie
I know the truth now
I know who you are
I don't love you anymore
It never was and never will be
You don't know how you betrayed me
And somehow you've got everybody fooled
Never was and never will be
You're not real and you can't save me
Somehow now your everybody's fool

When she was finished I expected her to leave but she sat there thinking. Probably about what song she would song next. I don't care what song she sings her voice is always gonna amazing.

Luna P.O.V

That song was for Bebe because of how fake she is. This sing is gonna be for Craig. This is how I feel about him right now.

I will wander till the end of time
Torn away from you

I pulled away to face the pain
I close my eyes and drift away

Over the fear that I will never find a way to heal my soul
And I wander till the end of time torn away from you
My heart is broken sweet sleep my dark angel deliver us from sorrows hold over my heart

I can't go on living this way
I can't go back the way I came
Chained to this fear that I will never find a way to heal my soul
And I will wander till the end of time half alive without you
My heart is broken sweet sleep my dark angel deliver us change open your eyes to the light I denied it all so long oh so long say goodbye goodbye

My heart is broken release me I cant hold on deliver us
My heart is broken sweet sleep my dark angel deliver us from sorrows hold

When I finished I decided it was a good idea to go home. When I stood up I heard a twig snap. I whipped my head around and saw Craig. I grabbed my knife out and pointed it at him. "The fuck you want Tucker?!" I yelled at him. "Alright. Calm your tits." "It's the one thing girls have that guys want and never get. Especially a fuckboy like yourself." I said. He looked shocked for a seconds and just laughed. I just shrugged and started walking home. He grabbed my wrist again. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed. "I didn't mean what I said back there." I scoffed. "Bitch please. You obviously meant it. Now go so I can leave." I told him. He just sighed and let go of my wrist. "Hey Luna? Did you really have ACTUAL feelings for me?" Be asked. "Yeah. I used to." "What do you mean by used to?" "I used to have feelings for you but now you're with that bitch." " I said that to protect you. She recorded you singing and said she would post it on Facebook if I didn't say I liked her." "I'll steal her phone tomorrow and delete the video." "But can we go out? I'll break up with her tomorrow and I'll go out with you." "Fine by me. Well walk in holding hands and you'll break up with her." " Sounds good to me." "Bye Craig. Love you." "Bye Luna. Love you to." He said as I walked to my house. At least I know he was being serious and wasn't being a fuckboy! Yay me!

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