Theme: One Direction (Zayn Malik)

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Keywords: Christmas, Christmas tree, match, candle, Zayn Malik, Maura Isles (@meykemalik), Unicorn, Midnight Memories, Guitar, Chicken, Chocolate, Kitten


I took a deep breath... for the hundredth time tonight. "Just calm down Maura..." I chanted silently over and over again, "you can do this." Now you wonder 'what is she gonna do?', right? Well... I'm about to perform my first gig ever! Me and my guitar will be standing on that small stage in front of a hundred people that came to dine and dance in this quite well-known pub. It was rather funny how this opportunity came to be.

I have been a waitress for this pub for 3 years now and seen quite a lot of performances of people that are now well-known artists, like Ed Sheeran; I've seen him perform many gigs here before he became so famous. But that's not the reason I get to perform too in a couple of hours, no. It started when I found out that there weren't only dressing rooms for the performing artists. On my after-shift investigations I discovered that there was also a small studio-like room with a variety of instruments, I named it the 'rehearsal room'. For me, as a fanatical music lover, it was heaven on earth, a second home, a place to retreat. I secretly played my songs, either covered or self-written, and sometimes recorded them to send them to a friend of mine that was a genius with computers and music editing. But as perfect as it seemed, it had to go wrong one day...


I was silently singing while strumming my guitar. But the serenity was interrupted by the door of the rehearsal-room opening, revealing an all to well known person; my boss, Joe. He was easy to notice by his 6'8 feet and broad shoulders that made him look like a 'ex-wrestler bodyguard'... Oh, don't forget the permanent frown that makes him look even more bodyguard-ish. He was respected by every single employee if this pub, mainly because he was quite secretive and didn't show himself very often. So saying I was shocked would be the understatement of the...millennium? I jumped up and practically threw the guitar back in its holder trying to cover up what I did. 'Oh poop, I'm gonna be fired!' was all I could think of at the moment. I looked at my shoes, ready for my doom, but what came next was something nobody would have thought of. Joe suddenly started laughing and clapped me on the shoulder. He held his hand there to support himself as he bent over from laughing, his other hand on his knee. "Y-you should see your f-face!" he managed to exclaim in between the fits of laughing. I kind of could imagine what my face looked like; pure shock and bewilderment. I mean, what else am I supposed to feel in this situation?! I was firmly convinced that I would be fired! And what does he? Burst out laughing right in my face!

I took a while before he slowly ceased laughing and when he saw my face he stopped laughing entirely, only a smile left plastered on his face. "You thought I was gonna fire you, didn't you?" he asked, and all I did- all I could do was nod. He sighed and chuckled before pointing at the mirror on one side of the room. I looked at him questioningly, like 'What do you mean by pointing at that mirror? Does it have some weird powers or what? Am I supposed to worship it now? I there a secret invisible pink unicorn caught inside and I need to free it?', yeah sure, something like that... "That mirror over there is a one way mirror... There's a security camera on the other side, recording everything that happens in here... your secret rehearsals for example." he explained, leaning in and whispering the last part to make it even more shockingly stalkerish. 'O my god, he saw it all! Even the time I stripped off my clothes... Nah, just kidding, I didn't do that... or did I?' I must have had a pretty absent look on my face 'cause he was waving his hand in front of my face.

"I-I don't know what to s-say.." I stuttered, not quite able to form any normal sentenc- no, words, "I fully understand if you fire me now. So I'll just take my leave." I added with my head held low, trying to cover up how embarrassed I was about the whole situation. Normally I wouldn't really care what people thought of me but I had a lot of respect for this man, and not only because he was my boss; this pub wasn't his first success... He owned a successful record company, until he resigned 5 years ago. I'd asked him on my first job interview why he quit, and he said to me "What is your dream?". I told him about my dreams to become a well-known singer songwriter. He then told me about his dream; owning a pub where people can come together and enjoy the live-music. He wanted to create a place where people can forget their worries, and just can live. I admired him for the choice he made; giving up success for his dream.

That was why I was so embarrassed about this whole situation. I was just about to walk out the door when a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I turned around, my head still down, and wondered what was going to happen. But nothing could've prepared me for what he said next...

"Would you like to perform tomorrow night?"

My face must've looked pretty ridiculous because he started laughing in my face again. But what do you expect?! Why wasn't he acting the way he's supposed to? Why wasn't he kicking me out of this place single-handedly? It's confusing!

"Well...?" He interrupted my train of thoughts.

I laughed as I thought back at that moment, where I'd engulfed Joe in a bear-hug and thanked him endlessly for giving me this opportunity. You could say we're pretty good friends now... As I laughed Lou reminded me to keep my head still, while she gave them 'special treatment'. Yeah, I now have an own stylist (although only for tonight). She also picked out my outfit; I now wear light-blue skinny with a loose jam jar lid print blouse (you know: strawberry coloured and checkered like Scottish skirts). Lou also gave me a pair of black AllStars. After she was done with my hair - it now having volume from here to Tokyo (AN/sorry :P Dutch proverb) and my half curly half straight hair looking as if golden threads have grown out of my head (nah, I'm exaggerating, but it does look pretty awesome now) - Lou started on my make-up, but kept it rather simple; black eyeliner and a bit of mascara and voila! I was ready to jam!

I was alone in the dressing room - Lou went as soon as she was done, although she did gave me a hug and told me if I wanted we could meet up some time - and was softly finger-picking a self-invented tune when Bob, one of the managers came in and told me to be ready in 5 minutes. After he disappeared behind the door again I took some deep breathes and got up and left... before turning around and taking my guitar with me that I had put aside when Bob knocked on the door earlier, I guess without it my performance is pretty lame... hehe.



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xx Yule

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