Theme: Harry Potter - Christmas Edition

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Keywords: Magic jelly beans, Yule Ball, Weasley sweaters, nargels and exploding bonbons.


Interviewer: How would you describe Miss Reed?

Professor Sprout: Oh well, she's quite talented and smart. And I think most would consider her quite secluded. Not many friends, barely participating in any extracurricular activities and always studying outside of class.

Interviewer: You say she is talented. What do you mean by that?

Professor Sprout: Oh, you know. Outstanding's on every test and I see her study in the green houses every day – she sometimes helps me with potting new herbs! What a sweet dear she is...

Interviewer: Oh yeah, I remember the green houses. Potting mandrakes, wasn't it? I remember one of my classmates fainted when I was in first year.

Professor Sprout: Yes! I recall – Longbottom, wasn't it? Poor boy... But he turned out to be a fine young man, didn't he?

Interviewer: He sure did!

Interviewer: How would you describe Mister McQueen?

Professor McGonagall: Oh dear... McQueen – He would best be described as a rule breaker... That's all he does. I'm still waiting for the day that troublesome boy hands in his first homework assignment...

Interviewer: Oh my! So he often skips classes too?

Professor McGonagall: Oh yes, quite often even. Goes around pranking the other students with his friends. It reminds me of some students I had back in the 70s... A rowdy bunch they were, but turned out to be great wizards – not all, but most of 'em.

Interviewer: You don't, by any change, are referring to the Marauders?

 Professor McGonagall: Yes! I didn't know you were familiar with them. Outside of Hogwarts they aren't  known by that name.

Interviewer: But Professor! I attended Hogwarts with Harry Potter, ma'am! After the great battle we kept in touch and he told me all about them – or at least all he knew.

Professor McGonagall: Oh dear, I'm sorry! Could you tell me your name then? I don't recall having seen you at Hogwarts before...

Interviewer: My name's Mary Lee, I was in Ravenclaw. Head of house for three years. I didn't really expect you to remember every single student you've had – I don't even remember what I had for breakfast!

Percy, Mary's speaking parrot: GLUTEN-FREE WAFFLES, WAFFLES!

Mary lee: Oh, well – thanks Peerce...



'Oh my' thought Sam Grey, as she sat at the long, freshly polished, mahogany table in the great hall with Natalie Romanof, looking at their friend who was chasing said boy through the halls of Hogwarts.

"How do you think it will end this time?" Natalie asked her friend, taking another bite of her crab salad sandwich.

"Hm, who mows? Wamma ba'?" Sam responded with a mouth full of freshly baked scrambled eggs, and readying another load on her fork. Natalie shook her head, looking disgusted at her Gryffindor friend, and swallowed before speaking. 

"You don't expect me to make even one bet after you gave me transfigured mud after I won!?" Sam looked at her friend in disbelief and this time swallowed before pointing her finger at Natalie. "You cheated! If you hadn't transfigured the wall decorations to knock Oliver unconscious, I would've won that bet!" 

"You call him by his first name?! What about our code to never name our enemies by their actual names?!" Natalie whisper-yelled as she rose slightly to get closer to Sam, who was back to munching on her third portion of scrambled eggs. Sam shrugged and replied "Myeah, He'f friemds with-" "And stop eating with your mouth full! It's disgusting!" Natalie cut off Sam, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Sam, taken aback, quickly swallowed - almost choking on pieces of unchewed egg - and held up her hands in defense. 

"Dude, Nat! Hold your horses! I'm sorry! Won't happen again! Anyway, as I was saying; he's best buddies with my brother dearest... He's at our's almost every holiday!" Sam sarcastically mentioned her dear twin, Thomas Grey.

Natalie was about to apologize, when another figure plopped down next to Sam. 
"Hey, Nix! Got back your quill?" Sam smugly asked her friend, who looked like she'd been through a car wash. 

Nicky looked at her friends with squinted eyes, water drops slowly running from her light-blonde - now dark-blond, due to its wetness - hair over her face. Some got stuck in her eyebrows, others gathered on her chin before falling down on the golden plate below. 
"Don't. Say. A word." she sneered as she hastily and clumsily filled up her plate with several kinds of food. 

Her friends just watch her with amused expressions and gave each other meaningful glances while Nicky mid-bite drew her wand and muttered a drying spell.


Dear Internet,

It is the year 2021, we're in a pistachio, and wattpad now costs money.

I'm publishing my drafts, so that they may be the gravestone of a brighter time, of a time when wattpad was still as creatively free as or ao3 are still to this day.

Goodbye wattpad, I won't miss you (haven't for the past 5 years).

xx Yuurei

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