Theme: Pirates of the Carribean

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Keywords: *read author's note at the end of this story!*


"The king and his men,

Stole the Queen from her bed,

And bound her in her Bones,

The seas be ours,

And by the powers,

Where we will, we'll roam.

Yo Ho, all together,

Hoist the colours high,

Heave Ho, Thieves and Beggars,

Never Shall We Die!"

I had been singing for approximately 6 days, I haven't counted, and my voice is starting to vanish from existence. Alright, I'm exaggerating, my voice starts to get hoarse. But seriously, It's really no fun to be floating around on a wooden plank... going nowhere... just floating... all by myself. Ah well, now I've got nothing better to do, I might as well introduce myself. But why should I introduce myself to myself? I think I'm already going crazy. I'm starting to introduce myself to myself! 'Pfffahahaha' My laugh is the only thing I heard except for the clashing of waves. But you already were crazy... I heard a voice say. Great! I'm officially mad! I'm hearing voices! O, come on... it's not that bad and you know it! Don't you recognise your best friend anymore!? My best friend...? Damn it! How could I forget Soar!? God, I'm so sorry Soar! I groaned. I hope he won't leave me for this...Dummy! Of course I'm not leaving you just because you were pitying yourself... You're my best friend! Without you I'd be dead by now

Well, that's right, I did save him when he was only a chicken, or whatever you call a baby eagle. He had fallen out of his nest when an avalanche destroyed the nest. I had taken him on board of the ship I was on at that time and raised him. Ever since he's been my companion and best friend. And the reason why he was able to talk with me trough my mind? I don't know, but Soar said I was the one talking to him, not the other way around. But either way it came in very handy. I was able to 'see' much further than the other sailors, thanks to being able to transmit thoughts with Soar which means I can also see what he sees. Which reminds me..

Soar! Can you search the sea for any passing ships!? Sure, already on it! I could see the sea through his eyes and saw something that gave me hope; An English ship was heading towards me! Soar, can you lead them to me? I can try, but I'll probably need the help of some friends. He screamed once and in no time there were like 20 sea gulls soaring above my head. That's genius, Soar! I could 'see' the English ship coming closer. I closed my eyes (I could still see through Soar's eyes) and pretended to be on the verge of death. I could feel Soar giving me a disapproving look, telling me I shouldn't exaggerate so much. Oh fine! I'll just pretend to have fainted!

But anyways, the ship was coming closer and closer. Until one of them shouted 'Look there!'. I 'saw' everybody looking in the direction he pointed. 'Man over board!' one of them shouted. Finally! I sighted inwardly. It was about time to be rescued! No need to be so impatient. You should be happy to be so lucky.  I sighted in defeat. Yeah, you're right. 

I felt myself being pulled out of the water into a boat. Than a minute later I was dragged on board and laid on the deck on my back, bad idea... Water flowed into my throat and I had a coughing fit. Damn, that hurts! I decided to play the damsel in distress and slowly opened my storm-grey eyes. Ah! Now you know another thing about me! Wait... Who am I talking to? Oh well... I pretended to be afraid as one of them, I assume their commander, walked up to me and crouched in front of me. 'Are you alright?' he asked, worry clearly audible in his voice. I nodded but flinched away as he tried to touch me. 'I'm not going to hurt you. But you need to eat something and probably some new clothes. By the way, what is your name?' he asked.

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