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Selena's POV

"Where's Justin?" Ashley asked looking at the vacant seat next to me.

"Let me guess." Francia ordered before I could answer, placing her glass of wine down on the table. "Working. Again." She deadpanned looking at me pointedly then to Ashley.

"I don't even know why I bother to ask." She rolled her eyes.

I sighed and Ryan sent me a sympathetic smile as I took a sip of my own wine.

"That's it. I'm calling him." Jason grumbled pulling out his cell phone.

"Jase don't. Just leave him." I pleaded in a soft voice hoping to hide the lump in my throat.

I mean he wouldn't forget right? Maybe he was running late or something?

"I can't just leave it mom! It's your ten year anniversary for Christ's sake! The least he can do is show up to dinner!" He fumed.

"It's okay baby. Your dad's just busy. He'll get here once he's done." I soothed my angry sixteen year old.

"Daddy's always busy." Emory huffed leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms across her chest. She definitely had Justin's attitude.

Jordan looked between her older siblings, the innocence of her six year old self preventing her from understanding the magnitude of the situation.

As far as she was concerned, her daddy just worked a lot and I wanted to keep it like that for a long time.

"Let's just have dinner okay?" I smiled falsely signalling to our waitress that we were ready to order.

We were supposed to be having a special dinner to celebrate ten years of our marriage with our friends and family and everyone had showed up except my parents since they were in California, his dad and him.

At this rate it would take a damn miracle for us to make it through another year.





"DO NOT TAKE THAT TONE WITH ME YOUNG MAN!" I woke up to the sound of yelling. Justin yelling to be precise.

I squinted at the glaring numbers on the clock registering that it was 11:54 pm.

What was happening?

I quickly scrambled out of bed and into the living room of our house at the sound of Jason's rebutal.


I stayed in the shadows as I allowed them to argue knowing better than to step in.

That would only result in more yelling.

"It was just one dinner for God's sake. There will be others." Justin said calmly.

"Just one dinner? Just one dinner?!" Jason screeched increduously.


Justin visibly paled. "Oh."

He forgot. I can't believe it. He actually forgot. How could he forget? I could understand him forgetting the past four years but our ten year anniversary? That was a big deal to me. And he knew that.

"Oh? Oh? That's all you have to say for yourself? Oh?!"

"What else do you want me to say. I'm sorry I forgot."

"How could you say that?" Jason asked distatefully.


"You knew how much this meant to her. You know every single year I watch her get all happy and excited and every single year I watch her go to bed alone and sad. It breaks her heart everytime you forget and yet she forgives you and act like nothing. You knew just how special this was to her. For her it was an entire decade she spent by your side. An entire decade she spent loving you. An entire decade you didn't deserve."

"Jason, you're making a big deal over nothing. Like I said, I am sorry I forgot but unlike your mother, my mind was preoccupied with more important things."

"Of course. I forgot. Money is more important to you than family." Jason spat stepping away from him.

"Stop putting words in my mouth."

"You know what, you always said your dad didn't care about you and Aunt Jaz and Uncle Jax and Grandma. I never thought you'd end up just like him."


"I'm just stating the truth. Money will always come first to you two."

Jason walked away from him and I saw Justin turn and walk out the front door allowing it to slam behind him. Jason stopped when he got to me.

"Did you..."

"I heard." I smiled, trying to blink away my tears.

"Please don't cry mom. I hate to see you cry. Especially over him." He wrapped his arms around me.
"Jason would you hate me if I wanted to move out. Just for a couple of months to see if things would I don't know, sort themselves out?"

I sniffled. I had been thinking about it for a while now, ever since Jaz proposed the idea to me. She figured Justin needed to realize that he could lose us at any time.

"I think that'd be good."

"But what about Em, Ethan and Jordan?" I worried.

"I'll deal with them. I just want to see you happy again and if moving put temporarily is what it takes then I'm all for it."

"Are you sure Jason? It's a big thing to ask of you all."

"I agree with Aunt Jaz. He needs to see what it would feel like to lose you."

"Okay. I guess we'll move then. Just for a few months though."

"He just needs to see the error in his ways mom."

I smiled at him reaching my hand out to cup his left cheek.

"When did my baby boy grow up?"

"When he decided he had enough of his dad hurting you."

"Oh Jase..."

"I'm serious mom. I'm sick and tired of his shit. We're not moving back until he cleans up his act."

"Okay tough guy. Go get some sleep okay. I love you."

"I love you too mom."





Thoughts? I bet yall didn't see that coming.

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