Chapter 1

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Just to clear things up, I don’t live in England so most of these places will be made up unless I could be bothered to find stuff…..

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I groan as my alaram blares at me, I musn’t of turned it off last night.

 I peel the duvet off my sweaty body and sit up, looking around my room, the blinds had been open by my mother and a pastal blue sticky note is stuck on it. I slide my legs of my bed and my body follows the movment.

I walk over two the note and read it aloud ‘Hey angel, I had to go out of town for a day, see you tommorow morning, love you’.

 My mum is a sucessful buisness woman and I hardly see her so no suprises there.

I walk into my ensuite; the floral tiles are icy on my hot, sweaty feet. I have a quick shower and was my long brown hair. I towel-dry it and wrap it into a top knot, strands of soggy hair dampen dry neck. I get dressed into a black singlet and put a pair of denim high-waisted shorts. I put a cream knit top on over and go downstairs grabbing my favourite leather shoulder bag on my way down.

When I get to the kitchen I see a bluberry bagel sitting on the benchtop, I smile and run over to it, I eat it, cold.

I look at the microwave and read the time, 7:30am, I groan, if only I’d turned my alarm off I could have had a Saturday sleep in, I sigh and walk over to theliving room and slump down into the scarlet coloured couch. The remote sits on the glass coffee table and I lean over to grab it, I lean to far and roll of the couch with a thump, onto the hard birch floor.

“Oh crap” I groan, flipping onto my back I craddle my arm that aches from the contact. Great way to start the weekend, hey?. My crazy dog wakes up from his slumber and charges at me licking my face furiously.

“Nice to see you too buster” I laugh, patting his ebony fur with my uninjured arm.  He barks in excitement, wagging his tail, hitting his body with it. I chuckle and puch my self up. Buster jumps up and down and I ignore him as I test out my wrist. It’s a little sore but I’m sure I’ll be able to cut people’s hair with it, I flick on the t.v and spend the next hour watching repeats of futurama contently.


My phone vibrates and I look a the sender, Damon. I pick it up worried, why would he call me 8:30am on a Saturday morning. I answer it worriedly “Damon, what’s up?” I ask trying to sound casual.

“Nothing bad but are you up?” He asks, relief floods my body, Damon’s my bestfriend, he’s like an older brother… a thirty year old brother.

“Yep, you know me I don’t miss the opertunity of waking up early on a Saturday” I say sarcasticaly.

“Leave your alarm on again?” He asks and I chuckle.

“You know me way to well” I say and I hear his husky chuckle fill the other end of the call.

“Well if your up can I ask you a favour?” He asks and I smile.

“Sure anything” I say. “Anything?” He asks.

I hope it’s not too bad because I agree without hesitation.

“Anything” I say firmly.

 “Well you have some new Collegues; can you teach them how this place works?” He asks.

“Some new blood?” I ask evily, secretly happy for Damon, he stresses when we have more then two clients, a lot of the time the third client leaves and goes across the road to our competion.

“You can call them that” He says chuckling at my vampire impersination.

“Anyway, I’ll be there soon, I’m leaving now” I inform him, kicking on a pair of wedge boots.

“Okay see you in a few minites, thankyou so much Carson” He says gratfully.

“Mkay” I say ending the call with a click.

I grab my keys from the kitchen bench stuffing my iphone in my brown bag. I open the front door and lock it behind me, certain the house is secure I make my way over to my black smart car, unlocking it with a click of a button. I slide in and turn the eginition on and drive off to the hairdressers. When I reach it I park in my usual spot, paying the parking meter 3 pounds.

I walk over to the hairdressers peering in, of course its no use seeing as the blinds covered the windows, keeping the heat out. I open the door with a tinkle and walk in shocked at the sight in front of me.


I know this chapter isn’t long either but it will get longer as the story starts to pick up, I realllllly hope you all like it. J

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