m e m o r i e s ;

255 7 2

{ 2 years later }


SHY- Jai Waetford 


"mom, I'm home!!" I called as I shut the door behind me. I was expecting her to say something 

like "Okay" or "How was school today honey" through the kitchen - but there was just silent. 

"hello? mom?" I called again, dropping my bag to the floor walking towards the kitchen- when

I heard a thud coming downstairs. I gave a gasp. yes, a thud scared me. But it was okay, it 

turned out to be my sister!

"Hey Mike, I'm taking care of you and Holly tonight, mom and dad are on a special date " Nancy informed raising one eyebrow with a slight smirk, to make me cringe.

"Ugh, that's gross, why do they need a 'special date' anyways?" I asked as I continued to gross

out. You see, I'm a very visual person and when someone says something too detailed, my brain process' the details then BOOM! I get the image and I cringe my way through reality.

"It's their anniversary today!" Nancy said with a scoff in her voice as she walked back to her room. I gave a sigh as I head down to the basement. I got an idea, that means, Dustin, Will &
Lucas can have a game of d&d. It's rare to play the game on a school afternoon. 


I grabbed my walkie-talkie on top of the board game's table and as soon as I was going to 

hit the button to say something to Lucas, I stopped. I had a weird feeling. I turned around
to an empty fortress I made for Eleven. I gave a sigh as I put my walkie talkie down, and 

walking towards to where she slept and spent her nights and days at. I missed her.
I miss her looking at me, with her big brown eyes, her small but sweet smile that would

melt my heart by just looking at it. As I was going to stand up, I saw a strand of blonde hair.

The strand was on the wig she wore. I felt tears fill in my eyes. Then I had a thought. 
When El was here I could've took a picture just me and her...or maybe the group,
but i didn't. I gave a frown as I placed the strand of hair on the table. 

"Hey Mike, It's Lucas. Over" I heard Lucas' voice crackle on my walkie talkie
I quickly went up to it.
"Hey Lucas, yeah, i'm here. over" I responded 

"What's wrong man?" Lucas asked- great! I didn't want to tell him that I was just thinking

about Eleven that'd be so sudden!
"What do you mean? I'm fine!" I lied 

"Mike, friend's don't lie." Lucas said.

He did that on purpose. I'm triggered by that response! I frowned.
"Yeah, okay. Well-I-"
"Just spit it out!" an un-patient Lucas exclaimed 

"Okay! Okay! I was just thinking about Eleven." I said sighing 
"We'll come over- I'm bringing Dustin and Will. Over and Out!" Lucas said

WHAT!? NO!! okay if they're going to come here and talk about it like if I was a girl

going through a really bad break-up it'll be just weird...and strange. 
I gave another sigh and sat down waiting for constant banging on the front door. 

mikesigh's alot. he needs help.
what do you think about it??
idk im only 14 i suck at writing stuff.

love your, mike.. (a mileven story)Where stories live. Discover now