After the nurse gave him his pain meds he drifted off, leaving my brother and I taking watch over the other half of our hearts.
"You okay?" I asked him.
"Yea. You still love him don't you?" He replied quietly.
"Where's Jay?" I asked dodging his question.
"He went home. He doesn't know Bren. He didn't want to get in the way. Answer me."
"He could've came."
"Answer. Me." He demanded turning me toward him."Yes." I said putting my face in my hands.
"I heard there was a party?" G said quietly walking in with flowers, all black of course.
"Yea man. I gotta get out of here for a while. I'll bring you some clothes sis. Love you." Colson said before giving Brendon's hand a squeeze before hugging Gerald and walking out.
"How is he?" Gerald asked standing over him.
"Left knee has a torn ACL. Couple broken ribs, other than than just cuts. He had a pretty good sized piece of glass in his chest." I said standing to walk over to him. Gerald took my hand, he was shaking.
"He'll-He'll be okay though, right?" He whispered.
"Yea G, it'll take a while, but he's okay." I said giving his hand a squeeze.