1: Crystal meets The Soccer star

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Xx Crystal's POV XX
I was walking around the school. I've never fit in here. I know a few people, but I don't TALK to them. Their more like strangers to me. I look up at the clock. *Sigh. 20 more minutes till school starts. . .* I go outside and sit down on one of the benched to draw. Well more like doodle.

I finshed and I heard familiar snickering behind me

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I finshed and I heard familiar snickering behind me. *oh great. The 1st day hasn't even started.* I closed my journal. I like to study, draw and sing, but I don't like people. Other people. They judge to much. . . I rather stick to my online friends. . .
Really? Already? Now? The day hasn't even started. . .
"Can you guys leave me alone. . .?" I responded meekly.
"Huh? What'd you say Smart-Alex?" I heard their voices coming closer. I really hated those two. Caleb and Quin never left me alone. And I had no friends so I was an easy target. . .
"Can you REPEAT what you said Shreds? " Quin said snickering.
Okay I was used to them making fun if me in other ways, but you do NOT. Make fun of my ears. I turned around and looked at them straight in the eyes.
"I've put up with you two calling me four-eyes, smart-ass, but you do NOT, and I say DO NOT, make fun of my ears." I said frimly.
I shouldn't have done that. . . .
I saw Calebs fist hit the right side of my face. I really get this for fighting back. I should have jus-
"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I heard someone behind me. That voice was familiar. I turned around to see Oscar. I recognized him, he's my neighbor, but u never go outside so I never really talked to him. His hair was a dirty blond and his eyes were deep purple like mine. He's part deer, not alot of people are part deer in our school.

"Why don't you go pick on people your size?? Do you think it's funny to pick on the smaller people?!? U-uh no offense

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Why don't you go pick on people your size?? Do you think it's funny to pick on the smaller people?!? U-uh no offense. " He was. . . Standing up to them? Defending me. . . ? I understand him calling me small. I was pretty smaller then all the 8th graders. . .
Quin rolled his eyes,
" Why do you care about this bra-" He was intrupted by Oscar slapping him. He's the goalie for our soccer team and he even plays offense sometimes. . . So that must have hurt.
"Geez calm down dude. We were simply playing with her. Come on Quin, " he says nervously grabbing Quin by the collar and pulling him away.
I looked up at Oscar, confused and stunned. No one had ever been nice to me like this. Most people were nice to get the answers from my work, other wise no was nice. . . .
"Hey don't worry about those jerks. I'm sure they only picked on you because your not with your friends you know? Usually that's how it works." He sits next me on the bench. God I must look so stupid. I brought my anime back-pack and my worn dark Jean jacket with a mustered yellow shirt.
"Heh, I don't have a-any friends. . ." I respond. Ugggh I keep studdering.
" Oh. . . Well if you'd like you could. . . Sit with my group of friends at lunch! " he said, excitedly.
"R-really? A-are you sure?" I responded quietly. Almost a whisper.
"Yeah! Crystal right? Your that girl that never comes outside, "
"Yup. That's me. . . Heh"
I'm talking. With a perosn. Because they came up to me and started talking. I've never had a conversation like this. . . Or well I have. But yeeeaarrsss ago.
My day dream was intrupted by the sound of the bell.
"Oh well I've got to get going. Can't be late for athletics. See'ya at lunch CC!" He got up and left the bench. I stayed there for a bit, mesmerized. I had just. . . Made a friend. . . .?

Hey guys! I'm assuming that if your reading this you came from my instagram (@Cyvett81) if not well then I have no idea how you stumbled across this, but I hope you like it anyways! I'll be posting when I have time, and I just really hope you guys enjoy my horrible art/stories.


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