8. Well ackward,

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Xx Oscars POV xX
Well that went. . . Poorly. Everyone turned to look at me. Confused. I knew I should have taken it slow. I really thought she would get along with our group. She lives around my neighborhood, so I know how she acts. She's really nice to her brothers even though I've seen them be complete jerks. I well, had always been nervous to talk to her. I thought I'd mess up, but I never realized that these people where bullying her. And even less, Amber's brother. He never really meet me, but Amber had described him to me. She had said he was nice, sweet and he always helped her out. Well, I'd like to differ.
"Were we over whelming?" Asked CandleLight.
"We just wanted to get to know her. I mean, she looks quite. . . Unique." Tang says point at his bear ears. Tang is a over all nice guy. He's one of my best friends, and well he's really cool. But he can be such a jerk sometimes. Like right now. He has no reason to judge because of her ears. I mean, I've never seen ears like that, but still! I just can't believe him.

 I mean, I've never seen ears like that, but still! I just can't believe him

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(I was to lazy to describe him so here he is. ;3)
It's like, he has a "unique " hair-tie. (In this universe anything that has animal-related names. So they well be changed.)
"That's rude Tang. You should know better with your Man-hair tie. " I sassed him.
"OoOoOoOoOo get roasssteedddd Tannggggg" Said Strom. Strom was pretty much one of the guys. If you meet her blind, you think she's a guy by the way she acts. It's not a bad thing either. She usually talks with us about girls. Since she's pretty much lesbian. We have great laughs with her, she can be pretty reserved when around THE girl. Aka, her crush. She has had a few of those, and it's fun to poke fun at her with it.
"Oh hush Strom. Oscars is just crushing bigggg time."
"What?? Why would you assume that?"
"Okay okay 1, you got really defensive, 2, when I go to your house and she's outside with those other guys, you always happen to want to play soccer. " He responded. Gosh I swear I'm gonna-
The lunch bell rang. We had to go back inside. I wanted to come back at him so hard thou. Uggh, hey come to think if it, were is Amber?

Xx Amber's POV xX
The bell went off and I was still talon to my brother and his friend Quin.
"I didn't know you were friends with her! I've actually been trying to be friend her, she seems quite shy." I smiled. Gosh, my brother is so nice! I mean this girl nearly ever speaks, and my brother's friends with her? Wow my respects.
"Y-yeah she's reallly cool." Said my brother. His voice cracked a bit and I giggled.
"Wow, your voice sounds like a teenager in the middle of changing season. Wait, you are in changing season! " (changing season is like puberty to them.)
"Oh shut it Quin!! Ima kill you! " his voice cracks again. He's too funny.
"Pfftt well we should be going the security is gonna come and beep her stupid whistle at us."
"Yeah yeah right. Let's go. Hmp" Said Caleb getting in front of me and Quin to go. He can be so salty sometimes. Hahaha. He's the best brother I could have asked for. Or well, one of them.

Hello my fellow readers!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I have a small headche at the moment, so my writing might be a bit off, sorry about that. And sorry about making you all wait! (By you all I mean the 3 people that read. Comment if you read this, I actually want to know how many people read this >~< !) I hope you all enjoy your Halloween and ima sit on my bed thinking out life got the rest of the day cuz I'm to anti-social to go outside and meet people. So yeah, thank you for reading and I hope ya'll enjoyed!

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