Family Values

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(sorry for the long chapter :P)

“I didn’t know you would be here this morning,” Jasper said. The boy who Kira assumed to be Cody had returned about an hour after talking to Daniel. Jasper had gone over to him at once. Cody shrugged.

“I didn’t have anything to do, so I figured I might as well do something useful,” he said, and then looked over at Kira, who blushed on instinct. “Who’s the new girl?”

“Kira Lee,” Cecil said. “The newest member of our “troupe.”” Cody grinned.

“That hasn’t happened in a while,” he said, walking over and holding out his hand. “Cody James,” he said, and she shook his hand. “So how did this all happen?”

“She hunted down a Bones,” Jasper said, smiling.

“Really? That’s a bit bold,” he said, chuckling.

“We assume her dad was the one with our world’s blood in him, but we don’t know yet,” Alex explained.

“Ah, mysteries are always the best kind. I didn’t know what I was until I was into all this for almost three years,” Cody said.

“How did you find out?” Kira asked.

“We fought a demon a while ago, one of the minor ones, but he called me a “warlord.” It’s what we were called in the old times,” Cody explained. He took a step back, clapping his hands together and smiling. “But hey, you might get answers faster, seeing as you’ve already had all the details explained to you, or I assume so?” Kira nodded. “Then as a new matter of business, I need to eat some breakfast.” He grinned and walked down the hall to the kitchen, followed by the Alex, Kira and Jasper.

“If you touch my leftovers, Cody, I swear,” Jasper said, walking into the kitchen.

“Come on, don’t be like that,” Cody said, grinning and pulling the takeout box from the fridge. Jasper groaned and sat down at the table.

Kira jumped when her Guns n’ Roses ringtone filled the kitchen. She searched her pockets, trying to find her phone.

“She’s got good taste,” Cody said from over by the microwave. She laughed and found it; the call was from her mom.

“Oh my God! I was supposed to be home a half an hour ago,” she said, answering quickly. “Hello?”

“Kira, where are you? You said you’d be home a while ago,” her mom said. She could hear the radio in the distance.

“Yeah, sorry. I’m out with some friends,” she said. “The ones I was eating breakfast with.”

Oh. I wish you would have called me, where are you now?” Kira paused, looking up at Alex, who shrugged and mouthed the word “library.”

“I’m at the library,” she said. Jasper stifled a laugh.

“At least she’s not lying,” Cody said, shrugging.

Is that for the project? I thought you were done.”

“We have some stuff we still need to finish up. I’ll call you later, okay? I’m not supposed to have my phone out. I’ll be home later this afternoon.”

“Alright, but don’t forget to call.”

“Alright, I won’t. Bye,” Kira said. She heard the other line click and looked up, sighing.

“I take it you won’t be staying here, then. At night I mean,” Cody asked. Kira shook her head, putting the phone back into her pocket.

“I have to go home, to my mom. It might get a little hard with school and all, though.”

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