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“Got it!” Alex said as the lock clicked. “It’s an old door, hard to get it open sometimes.” He ushered her in, and when she stepped inside the scenery changed completely.

It looked like a mansion; huge, high ceilings with white plaster over the walls and crown molding decorated to look like ivy leaves. There was a huge twisting staircase going up a few feet in front of them and the banisters and posts had intricate wood-workings on them.

It was all colorful and painted, like the inside of a house would be. She stood in the doorway, looking in awe at everything around her. The outside of the Library would have never given the idea that this was on the inside. She was surprised the inside even held together judging by how beat up the outside was.

“I don’t think I actually know your name,” Alex said, walking up next to her. She laughed.

“Kira Lee,” she said, smiling.

“Gotcha,” Alex said, shaking her hand.

“Well, I suppose there’s no need to ask anymore? I was just about to,” another voice said. She turned to see a man standing in front of them with light brown hair and brown eyes. He was tall and thin and looked like he was only about thirty or forty or somewhere in between. “Cecil,” he said, holding out a hand. She smiled and shook it.

“We’ve already explained most of it,” Jasper said, walking past her. “Where’s my dad and Cody?” he asked.

“Your dad’s upstairs, I think. Cody got called out on a Bone Run” Cecil said.

“Really? He doesn’t usually take the daytime Runs,” Jasper questioned, shrugging. “Thanks,” he said, walking upstairs. The staircase creaked under his feet as he went up and he turned at the top to go down the hall.

“So, I suppose I still have a few questions I can answer?” Cecil said.

“A few,” Kira said, still looking around. Cecil began walking down the hall so she and Alex followed.

“Such as?” Cecil asked, turning down a longer hallway with a few doors along the way.

“Well... why do you guys do what you do? I mean, why was the whole Runner thing created?”

“We’re like next branch down from the Leaders. We keep everyone in line, and try to get rid of the people who refuse to do so. The main problem we take care of is the Bones, as I’m sure Jasper and Alex have told you about.” Kira nodded as they rounded the corner, coming into a narrow, rectangular room with books lining three of the walls. There was a sitting area in the middle with a few chairs and a round coffee table. “We were created because the Leaders needed people who were trained to do this, people who knew the weaknesses of these things and knew how to keep people safe. That’s our job; to make sure people are safe and that they stay that way for as long as possible.”

“I think I get it,” Kira said, glancing at the huge bookshelves at the back of the room. The books looked ancient and medieval, like something from an old movie.

“Good. Now, what I really need to explain is what you would do somewhat step by step. You would have the option to stay here or go home, whichever you like. When a Bones is spotted or hunted down, it’s out job to go out and kill it. The Leaders send us a message with an assignment for a Bone Run in it, and we’re obligated to fulfill it. There are other things we get rid of too, of course. If a Demon is running loose on the streets or if a Shifter’s gone rogue, it’s our job to either kill them or bring them back to the people in charge.”

“So you’re basically supernatural police?” Kira asked, looking at the shelves. There were several books in other languages, many of which she couldn’t even identify.

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