~Authors note~

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Heyo! It's me the author, LuckyHetalian.

I love how you guys love reading my three year old fanfic. And I thank the ones who still read it from the beginning. Thank you.

Also one more thing before I go, my views on Creepypasta has changed and as you guys noticed it's not gonna be a cutesy, murder love story. It's not even cute what am I saying. Lolol

Anyway. Thank you. I'll still be posting. But the final chapter is coming soon....;3

The ending is gonna be great just watch ahahahaha

Also that one comment of how Toby should fake his death. I don't see it, but thank you for the contribution to ideas for future stories. :3 .
Also thanks for laughing about that one One Direction joke Ahehehe. And the Clockwork joke. And the slendy mctendy man. And all the other in between.


The story is coming to a close soon. The final chapter is gonna be long;3333

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