Day Nine

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"So Maggie," Ms Ann started, "Anything new you'd like to talk about?" 

Ms Ann is the college therapist that I was 'strongly encouraged' (more like forced) to attend meetings with about my OCD. She believes it's stress induced, but I now that's bull although she's to convinced to listen. I've had OCD for years and years, it doesn't just appear when I'm stressed, it's always there. She just doesn't understand, she looks at me like I'm crazy when I tell her the types of intrusive thoughts I get and the uncontrollable actions I have to do. 

The way she nods when I explain to her how I have to turn a door knob 5 times before entering a room or how I have to look at a clock exactly 5 times before I'm sure I have read the time correctly shows me that she's just there because she has to be.

"Nope," I popped the p and folded my hands in my lap. My professor in my psychology class wanted me to come attend a few meetings because "mental health is serious" and "therapists are made to help, they always help" and yes I know mental health is serious but I don't have a problem.

My problem as they like to call it, isn't a problem to me; It's my life.

I say I don't have a problem, that the disintegrating mess of compulsion known as me, Maggie Perry, is perfectly normal and can completely handle the fact that her mind is slowly taking over her every day life.

I'm fine...

I'm fine...

I'm fine...

I'm fine...

I'm fine.

I'm completely, 100%, absolutely, positively normal.

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