rainy day (jin imagine)

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Just as I leave my school to walk home, it starts to rain, pouring rain. Summer just ended so I thought the weather wouldn't be too bad yet to bring a jacket. I was just wearing my school uniform. I didn't even think to bring an umbrella, either. I live pretty far away as well!

I mentally curse at myself and sigh deeply. I take my first walk outside and the sound of rain falling filled my ears. It was somewhat relaxing despite the fact I was already shivering.

People were giving me disgusted and confused glances. I just looked up to them and smiled liflessly.

I sigh for the hundredth time, and just as I did that I hear extremely loud thunder. I mumbled to myself for being to stupid. I notice every has jackets on and I honestly feel pretty stupid.

I squeal lightly and run quicker to get away from the thunder; even though that's kind of impossible.

My body began to shake and my hands were turning numb and purple. My clothes were drenched and my hair was soaked.

I start to run faster and faster to hopefully warm me up, until I bump into a boy.

And it just had to be Kim Seokjin. One of the most handsome students at my school. Every girl has a crush on him, including me.

I froze and it felt as if the world had stopped moving. I couldn't help but blush and my heart-rate began to accelerate.

He looked at me with worried and kind eyes, "Aish! Mianhae (Y:N), do you want my jacket? You look very cold."

I close my eyes tightly thinking this was all a dream. I didn't know he was this caring. It just makes me like him even more.

"K-K-Kwaen chan a yo (It's okay) Seokjin oppa.." I replied sounding really weak.

His left eyebrow moved upward, "I don't believe you (Y:N)" He added and immediately put his jacket over me.

I looked really weird with it on since it was way too big.

Then all of sudden, he blushed. Looking as red as I looked. I felt like fainting because he looked so adorable.

"You look cute."

My eyes grew big, "Thanks..?" I replied awkwardly.

I looked down on the ground and the conversation was getting awkward. At least I wasn't cold anymore.

He sighed at scratched the back of his neck, "Sorry I don't have an umb-"

"That's okay. You didn't have to give me yours anyway." I said and took it off.

He flinched and instantly put it back on me.

"I don't want you to get cold." He replied mono-tone and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

I know not the best ending but I didn't know how to end it. And sorry for making it short haha. These are fun to make I think I'll make them more often. :) (sorry for typos!)

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