Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

There was silence when Margaret decided to wake up. The sun was shining bright through the curtains, which were a light shade of little bit of white and cream. She yawned a little, satisfied with her sleep.  She turned around to greet Dakota, but instead she saw Maggie.

She was confused as to why was Maggie sleeping beside her when it should be Dakota. She woke up from the bed, and went to get ready for the day.

Here Jonathan was wide awake, and as Dakota's head was still laying in his arms, he had to be there.

He woke her up by moving her a little.

"Hey Kota!Wakey! Wakey!"

Dakota groaned from being disturbed from her sleep.

No sooner did she do that, when the door opened and revieled Margaret.

She was shocked to see them in such a position.

Seeing Dakota in Jonathan's t-shirt she asked,

"Wait!  Did you two have---"

Before she could complete,  Jonathan shouted.

"No! It is absolutely not what you think!"

"Well okay then! Get up kids, it's morningggg! And I'm so excited for the Gala. We have shopping to go to so let's get ready, and head to the stores shall we? "

Dakota was wide awake and heard each and every word her aunt had said.  She didn't wanted to ruin her aunt's mood by breaking the news about 'the almost rape'. So she decided to stay that way, and just go with the flow. Before Jonathan could protest,  Dakota took his arms and said,

"Sure aunt Margaret! We will be there in a minute.  You go have your breakfast with your boss."

"Sure honey!  But be quick you all!"

They all just said goodbyes and went off to their respective work.

Dakota got up from the bed and then started striding towards the door when Jonathan spoke,

"Are you fine Kota? Do you need something? Should I order room service?"

"I'm fine Jonathan. Just need a shower and some food in my system. So yeah see you at the dining hall."

"Yeah! Oh and good morning BTW!"
"Yeah good morning!"

Dakota left his room and went to her own room where Maggie slept. She knocked on the door but there was no reply. So she turned the knob and entered the room. Maggie was still asleep in her same position as she was before and snoring her butt off!

"Get up you lazy bum!" Dakota said while smacking her butt.

"Hey!  You have no right to do that okay!!! Let me sleep!  I love sleep.  I want sleep. I wanna be with sleep forever and ever!"

"Shut up and just get up! We got shopping to go to."

The moment she heard shopping,  Maggie's eyes shot open with a huge grin on her lips.

"Yayy! We will go shopping. That would be great. I have so much in my mind. We will do this and that and oh--wait are you okay? "

"I'm fine. Let's just get this done with already. "

"Well not before you promise me something."

"Okay. What is it?"

"Promise me that no matter what has happened yesterday, you will at least try to be happy today.  I know it's a completely stupid thing I'm asking for but please!  For Margaret! Please try to enjoy How muchever you can."

"I will try Maggie!"

"Thanks best friend"

"Anytime best friend"

"So do you maybe wanna shower with me! "
"No! That would be gross!"

"Fine!  Well don't be sorry later that you didn't get to shower with the great 'Maggie'"

"Yeah! Yeah! Now go!"
They got ready and then headed to the dining hall. There were really tasty dishes,  and cuisines placed in a very fancy manner, which could attract any loaded stomach too.

"So I heard that you and Jacob are getting pretty serious now." Maggie suddenly blurted while pouring the soup in her bowl.

"Yeah pretty much!  I think I like him too much now! In fact I am missing him so badly now." said Dakota in a sorrowful tone with a pout on her face.

"Well call him then. Maybe you been to will feel better. Call him once you finish the breakfast."

"Good idea! I will call him later then."
The two of them along with Jonathan found a seat and sat over there to enjoy their breakfast.

"Umm. I think it is a little tight from my waist region." exclaimed Maggie.

It was noon and they were in the midst of a beautiq where there were so many pretty dresses which a girl would not have even imagined in her life.
"Yeah I think so too. You can select another one if you want Maggie dear."
said Margaret apologetically.

"Yeah I think I will."

While this fuss was going on about how tight Maggie's current dress was,  Dakota had already found her dress. It was a pretty black knee length dress, with black gems on her chest region, which was a heart neck pattern. It then had net patterned three fourth sleeves for her arms. Over all it was a perfect dress which showed her curves and gave a wonderful effect to her complexion.

For Margaret, she had taken a long elegant red gown which was a matte red. Blood. It had full sleeves and there was a knot around her left waist which gave a skinny effect,  making Margaret look more thin.

"How about this? "Maggie asked, holding a coral blue color gown in her hand.  Well it wasn't a gown actually,  it was a skinny piece of clothing which looked perfect for her figure.

"Well try it dear!" Margaret pleaded.


Maggie went for the trial and here Dakota's phone ringed.

It was Jacob.

She thought of picking up,  but as she was busy here,  she decided to decline it and then call him later sometime.
Maggie came out after a short period of time. She was looking amazing. The coral blue color was not only complementing her curves, but also showing off her pretty tanned body in an elegant way.

"So how's it?"

"It's wonderful. You should take this Maggie dear."

"Okay then. I will take this."

"Send it to the ticket counter. I will pay for it."

"No you don't need to do that Margaret. It's fine. I will pay for myself."

"Oh don't be a party pooper! I will pay!"

"Fine. If you wish to."

Margaret left for the ticket counter and let the girls be to themselves for the time being.

When all was done they left the beautiq and headed to the hotel for the upcoming event, full of people whom they don't even know existed.

Phew!  Done with another chapter. An interesting one on the way! And maybe I will update in the next twenty hours or so! I wrote this chapter on phone so sorry for the mistakes.
Stay tuned!!

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