Four Out Boy

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Percy Jackson's POV
(Earlier that same morning)

I had walked into the school rubbing the left over sleep out of my eyes. I shifted my backpack on my shoulder as I walked to the main office.

I sat in a chair tapping my foot as I waited. I wasn't trying to be rude I just had ADHD. Apparently the lady at the desk didn't get the memo since she kept glaring at me.

After a while a much more nice looking lady came out of the Principal's office not the actual Principal of course.

"Perseus Jackson?" She called looking around the office for me at least I was pretty sure there were no other Perseus Jacksons but one had to be careful. Nobody needed extra attention paid to them...Especially me.

"Uh here?" I said raising my hand above my head looking up at the lady sheepishly. "Call me Percy please"

"Good!" The lady smiled cheerfully. "I'm Athena the Secretary for the Principal" She explained.

"Athena?" I raised an eyebrow looking her up and down. "Like from Greek mythology Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy Athena?"

Athena laughed lowly under her breath. "Yeah we all have odd names from Greek mythology here" She looked down at my shirt. "Might want to cover that up the Principal is actually named Jupiter-"

"Who's the Roman counterpart to Zeus I know" I interrupted. I didn't mean to be disrespectful or anything but I had to get my first day as the new kid over with.

She smiled with a knowing look in her eyes. "I like you Percy come back to the office anytime and welcome to Half Jupiter High" She handed me my schedule which I thanked her for before walking out of the office and into the hallway.

I looked down at my schedule.
Room 83: History with Mr. D
was first up on the list. Mr. D? Did no one call the teacher by his actual name? That was kind of odd but the school had already been giving me off vibes.

I walked into class seeing a man sitting in a desk sipping a Diet Coke. "This is-" I looked down at my schedule. "History with Mr. D correct?"

The man presumably Mr. D looked up at me from his desk. "That would be here" I was about to explain why I was late when a dark haired, Italian looking boy that was a few good inches shorter than me walked into the classroom.

'He's kinda cute you know'
My inner voice said fangirling.
'Cute? More like psh make out with me in a closet! That's more of what I'm thinking' My other inner voice responded.

I blushed deeply at my thoughts. I still hadn't even had my first kiss yet and I was thinking about making out with this boy? Who I didn't even know his name?

I heard Mr. D call from behind me looking at the pale Italian who was kind of making me nervous by the way he was smirking at me.

All I could remember was that his name was Nicolas and I had now been given a tour guide to Half Jupiter High as I gulped following Nicolas out of the classroom and into the hallway.

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