More Yaoi Because Reasons. (EXPLICIT SMUT)

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Nico Dì Angelo's POV

I kissed Percy deeply as my pale cool to the touch hands tangled in his raven colored hair. I felt his warm and calloused hands trailing down my back.

He pulled roughly at my bottom lip causing me to whimper. It was a good pain though.

I gasped as he bit down on my bottom lip. I opened my mouth feeling his tongue go into my mouth. It was a strange sensation but in a weird way I liked it.

He practically tasted my mouth which I felt kind of felt self conscious about since I hadn't brushed my teeth yet. Percy didn't seem to care as he continued.

His hands cupped my ass pulling me closer as he pulled back from the kiss. I could feel his hard erection pressing up against my own lower region. I whined missing the feeling of his salty vanilla lips against mine.

"Now what am I going to do with you?" Percy spoke teasingly.

I pouted.
"This is revenge isn't it?" I questioned with my head tilted slightly to the side like a puppy did when they didn't understand something.

"Of course it is beautiful." Percy chuckled softly under his breath.

"Don't call me that." I argued.

"Beautiful?" He moved down to my neck kissing at the skin. It was way too soft for my liking. I hated being treated that way. It felt like he wasn't even doing anything.

"Ah but you are babe." He mumbled into my neck. "So." He nipped at the skin. I bore my neck exposing more of the skin in a sign of submission because fucking hell. "So." He sucked on the skin. "Beautiful." He bit down on the same spot from yesterday making me moan loudly.

"Oh fuck you Jackson." I cursed groaning as he continued his teasing actions.

"If that's what you want love." He purred into my ear before winking at me.

I was too frustrated sexually frustrated that is to even make up a comment in reply. "Fucking yes alright? That's what I want. Now be a good soulmate and give me what I want." I growled extremely annoyed.

Percy laughed.
The guy freaking laughed. He laughed at my frustrations. I was beginning to think my soulmate was a sadist of sorts. He flipped us around in one swift motion. He pushed me down onto the dark colored sheets of my bed.

His tan body resting between my legs. I hooked my leg around one of his to keep him from trying to leave. "Oh you don't need to worry about that." He said before using his other knee and pressing it against my crotch area.

I whimpered at the contact. I needed more. I needed Percy. "Behave and I'll give you what you want hmm?" He questioned.

I nodded
biting my bottom lip.
"I didn't hear a answer darling." Percy said pushing his knee against my area a bit more roughly. I mewled in pleasure.

"O-okay I'll be good."
I mumbled.

Percy smirked down at me.
He began kissing at my collar bone. He then proceeded to start kissing down my chest. His warm lips contrasted greatly against my cool skin and I loved the feeling.

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