[Chapter 18] All Planned

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-Ava's POV-

I woke up to where two people in the room were standing at the foot of my bed. They both were wearing lab coats and had clip boards in their hands. When I turned my head to the left, I saw a boy about the same age as me laying in the bed next to mine. I sat up, suddenly filling with fear.

"Where am I? What is happening?" I asked, my heart beat racing. I raised my arms only to find needles sticking into them. I shrieked, waking the guy next to me. He woke up and started to freak out too.

Just to make it worst, a bright blue liquid started flowing through the small tubes. I tried my best to rip out the needles as fast as I could, but the liquid had already gotten into my body. And I blacked out.

The next I know, I'm being sat down in a chair. I was sitting at a table, a bright light shined down on me. My hands were sitting on the table in front of me, held together by a pair of shiny handcuffs.

Someone was pacing back and forth in the darkness in front of me, they're hands crossed behind their back, "What were you doing out there?"

I clenched my jaw, keeping to my promise of secrecy.

The man slammed his hands down on the table, "Look, ma'am, you need to start answering our questions before we have to force them out of you." Still no response from me. The man sighed, "She's still not answering. Let's see if the male will be any better."

Some men came from the shadows of the corner to pick me up and direct me out the room. As I walked through the halls, I passed him. He looked at me, an expression of worry on his face.

I'm shoved into a dark room, gray in color, floor, ceiling, and wall, and no one was there. Nothing was there. Except for the wide window on the wall that reflected an image of what I looked like. I was dressed in a white jumpsuit and my brown hair was tied up into a messy bun.

I stood up and toppled to the side a little before balancing myself out. I walked up to the mirror-like window and put my hand up to it. When I touched it, a shock was sent through my body. I gasped at how much pain it caused me, bringing the finger close to my chest.

As I looked up, the mirror changed and was now two way. I saw a boy, the one from the room I was in before to be exact, stumble into the middle of the room. He turned his head and saw me. He rushed up to the window and put his hands on it. He got electrocuted too. He looked at me in confusion.

He tried saying something to me, but I couldn't understand him.

"What?" I asked, "I can't you hear you."


I sat before a court of people I did not know.

"We have a case here where we have three unidentified people, one male, one female, and one male infant," The man who interrogated me before stated, pacing back and forth before the jury, "They refuse to give any information to us, about themselves or about where they're from. So we returned to where we captured them. And headed the way they came."

I turned my head to a board which the man walked up to. A picture of the outskirts popped up, "This is what we found. An entire forest, cold, damp. We even could trace their footprints - the atmosphere is different, and is a perfect preservative for footprints. Especially in snow - which was all of over this place. We tracked them along this river," Another picture, one that I remember seeing fondly, "And from there, we found this," A picture of Karim, "An entire community, hidden from our world. Completely unbeknownst to us!

"We brought you here today to show you the advanced world they've been living in. The one they've been keeping from us." He turned to me, "Miss Avalon Elliot, that's your name correct?" I remained straight face, "I'd like you to shoot this arrow into that target." Someone to my right pulled a tarp off of a perfectly new target. I stayed seated, "Come on, show everyone how great you are," He taunted, waving the bow in my face, "You know you want to."

I stood up and slammed my hands down, "I want to be free."

He smiled, "Well, shoot this arrow and you can be free."

I stared at him. "Don't believe him," My dad's voice rang in my head. I smacked the bow out of his hands and leaned forward, "What did you do to Karim?" I questioned.

He laughed, "Only made it known to the rest of the world." He leaned in and evilly grinned, "And get your records. You're what they call 'The Perfect One', right?" He turned to the boy sitting next to me, "Ooh, the other 'Perfect One'. Why don't you jump from the building and show us that you won't get hurt, Mr. Anthony Padilla?"

"Leave them alone," A guy sitting in the crowd stood up. He wore a suit and had a bowl haircut, "They've done nothing wrong, Mr. Prosecutor."

"What makes you think you can tell me what to do?" The interrogator snapped back at the man who stood up.

The man in the crowd grinned, "Because you messed with the wrong people." The windows above us shattered and doors were kicked open. I felt someone tug my arm and drag me away. Once we were out of the room, I looked at the person in confusion.

"Ava, are you okay?" The person asked, cupping their hands on my cheeks.

"What's...what's happening in there?" I inquired.

He grinned, "Something was stolen from us. Something important. Something that needed to be protected. Let's just say we're getting it back."

"Where's...where's Anthony?" I then went on to ask. "He was here. Right next to me. Where is he?"

"He's going to be okay."

"I need to save him!" I exclaimed worriedly.

"No," The man told me, "Trust me. He's a good friend of mine. And, anyways, this was all planned and is going as planned."

"All planned?" I repeated in disbelief.

He smirked, "We, the Creators and their workers, aren't the bad guys. We just needed two brave people to venture out and do this sort of thing. And that happened to be the two perfect ones, you and Anthony." I looked at him, lost. He wrapped his arm around my back and began to lead me down the hallway, "Ava, I'm going to tell you a story. A quick one: Long ago, the three creators proposed the society we lived in to a certain group of people. It was rejected. But the Creators weren't going to take no for an answer. They built the community, the rejectors found out, and tried to find us. But they didn't. Until a few days ago. They stole your records, and you, and we retaliated."

I was silent. Speechless even.

He pushed opened the door and outside, in the sun, was Anthony, standing next to a baby carrier, talking to Joey. He looked at me and went silent. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. I began to cry into his shoulder.

"It's okay, Ava," He retorted, hugging me even tighter, "It's okay."

Author's Note: One more chapter before this book is over =) Hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to tell me what you thought! Thanks! -rac06h10ael

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